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'Apprécie ceux qui t'aiment, aide ceux qui ont besoin de toi, pardonne à  ceux qui t'ont blessé, oublie ceux qui t'ont laissé '

Jungkook runs to where he heard the voice from. He's heart was beating quickly thinking that could be Jimin but he just doesn't want to think negative.

Instead of banging so hard on the door or barging in, he decided to go inside quietly just in case the man was carrying weapons. Though Jungkook knows they can't die, he doesn't want Jimin to get hurt whatsoever.

He enters and hide so the man who took Jimin doesn't noticed him. He stay there until he finds the right time to get out and take Jimin. Jimin was seated on a chair, tied with a rope from top to bottom.

"What did I say about screaming? I just need to take a few pictures of you, then I'll cut off your teeth because damn, I haven't seen a vampire in a long time" the man chuckles as he continued taking picture.

" stop this now or I'll scream harder!"

" you know what? Maybe you and I can get along, then I won't need to harm you. I can make a living just having you by my side" he adds before deposing the camera on the counter and walking back to Jimin, staring him and the eyes

" someone will come and save me soon"

" you said that like an hour ago, you can't scare me. I inserted an injection on you while you were sleeping, so you don't the strength to do anything to me" the man lays his hand on top of Jimin's tights while he gave him a deep stare

" oh, you're actually very cute since I'm looking at you from so close" the man started caressing Jimin tights

" stop! I'm taken!" Jimin yells and Jungkook just couldn't sit back and watch this happen so he goes out of where he was hiding and gives a punch to the man and he fell on the floor.

" don't you ever lay your hands on him" Jungkook threatens and started to undo the ropes around Jimin. The man ran away but only to grab something from the counter. A knife.

"Jungkook , behind you!" Yells Jimin but after Jungkook saw what Jimin yelled about, he pushes Jimin away and was too late to save himself so the knife was inserted on his lower belly. The man chuckles as he was able to caught whoever stop his plan with Jimin.

Jungkook takes the knife out of his stomach and insert back to the man himself. The man was shocked but he didn't have the time to clearly try to understand what was happening and fells to the floor with blood running all over the floor.

"Jungkook, you're okay?" Jimin runs to him. Jungkook hold his hand to hold on his lower stomach where blood was coming out from.

"Jimin... are you hurt?.... anywhere?" Jungkook asked as he hold Jimin right cheek. Where the night was inserted does hurt thought he know he can't die, he can still feel the pain.

" Jungkook, you're bleeding! I'm sorry I caused so much trouble"

" let's go home" Jungkook held Jimin's hand , planning to go back home but Jimin refuses, making Jungkook go back and look why Jimin did so.

" I'm sorry Jungkook, I'm sorry for causing trouble but ... I'm not going back"

" are you serious? This place is dangerous! Dangerous for us vampires!"

" but this place is where I was born, you told me that you made me miserable and that you couldn't give me happiness, then I want to find what I'm missing"

" Jimin..."

" I will go with you only if you tell me to not leave you..." Jimin said holding Jungkook hands " tell me to always be here with you and go trough hardship together. Tell me you want me to stay" he hugs him.

" Jimin didn't I already told why?"

" then how do you expect me to be happy!?" Jimin started tearing up, " fine, you don't want me, isn't that it? Okay I get it. Go home and get treated, just know this will be the last time you see me, bye Jungkook. Since you want me to go find my happiness, then that's what I'll do... here, on earth" Jimin then walks away, leaving Jungkook behind  speechless

" wait, Jimin" Jungkook runs up to a Jimin who was also running away

" go back!" Jimin yells while he kept on running

" Jimin!" He yells " stay..."


2 more chapters left!

Love, @-anpanwoman-

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