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' ça en vaux la peine '

Jimin is pretty sure he's done with Jungkook's jokes. At least for now.

"what do you want for dinner?" Jimin asked as he walks up to the kitchen, looking inside the fridge.

"what time is it first?" Jungkook ask as he looks out from the window. It was getting pretty dark by now as the sun was setting down.

"5 pm about to be 6, why?"

"I have to leave" Jungkook walks to the door


"why? you look disappointed. you were kicking me out this morning and now I'm leaving,  shouldn't you be happy?"

"uhmmm..." Jimin caress the back of his neck cause of embarrassment. Jungkook smiles.

"why would you want a stranger like me stay with you?"

".... I've never said that. And by the way,  didn't you said you were kicked out of your house?"

"No. I've never said that"

"who are you?" Jungkooks smiles at Jimin sudden question but Jimin was only joking

"now you're asking? Sorry I have time,  gotta leave" Jungkook walks out before Jimin could add anything more. He rushes outside to check in which way did he go but Jungkook was so quick that Jimin lost him in Just a second.

What the hell? How? That's so....

Jimin sighed loudly as he went back inside


"WHERE WERE YOU JUNGKOOK!" Jin yells at Jungkook as he follows him to his room

"Can I please rest?,  I don't have to explain anything to you" he jumps on his bed as he spread his leg and hugged the bed


"now you're not cause I'm back"

"JUNGKOOK! That's it,  no dinner for you" Jin walks out Jungkook bedroom as he stop by the door after closing it behind him

"what happen?" Namjoon,  the oldest of the 6 brothers ask

"he won't listen hyung" Jin cries softly. The boy was pretty sensitive. Namjoon hugs him to comfort him

"let's get Yoongi,  maybe he can do something" Jin nods

"Jungkook open the door" Yoongi knocks on the door as Jungkook whines

"who is it now?" he opens the door and the first things that happen was a smack on his head

"what was that for?"

"your big head" Yoongi goes in as he made himself comfortable on Jungkook's sofa

"what do you want hyung?"

" where were you?"

" I just went out for a little bit"

"you call that a little bit? You were gone since yesterday night"

" something happened and I wasn't able to go back"

"and that is?" Yoongi suddenly grew curious of what point is Jungkook trying to make.

"just... Something,  but I'm fine now"

"okay then, if you say so" Yoongi stands up and was about to leave but Jungkook grabs his shirt to get his attention

"I'm hungry,  but Jin hyung won't let me have dinner"

"that's not my problem Jungkook,  you gotta go and make up with him." he walks out but before he leaves, he added " I don't understand why you two always fight" and then he left.

Jungkook grab a near by pillow and smack his face in as he sighed loudly. "why am I always so unlucky?" he removes the pillow and sit up the bed as he realizes he still hasn't finish his job.

Why didn't I just kill him before I left? He though as rubbed his eyes. If anyone in the castle were to find out that a human knows Jungkook identity,  he's surely done for.


"Jungkook what are you doing here? Didn't I tell you , you're not having dinner with us?" Jin says as he sits down

" why can't I? I'm hungry" he crossed his arm as he didn't want to listen to Jin.

"you guys are always fighting like--"

"shut up Taehyung!" they both sync


"fine,  I feel bad for earlier" he started eating and clearly you can see he doesn't mean it

Jin sighed as he didn't feel like yelling again so he just let the younger be. Hoping for him to know his mistakes


Jungkook got in his bed and lay on his back while looking at the ceiling of his bedroom. One arm on his forehead as the other was on his stomach. He sighed as he was deep into his troughs

'if they found out that I still haven't killed them human that saw my true identity. I'll be punish severely.' he though 'many things could go wrong.

But in this case it's different right? Because he doesn't remember a thing.

It's different right? Surely....


Love,  -anpanwoman-

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