< 三十七>

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'Les "au revoir" les plus douleureux sont ceux qui n'ont jamais été prononcés ou jamais expliqués '

"Jungkook, took you longer than I thought, you're boyfriend is already awake," says the uncle as he took a sip of his coffee.

The two were left alone in the living room. The bodyguards were told to stay behind the door just in case something gets out of control. Jungkook was furious, he doesn't know where Jimin is and could his uncle had done to him. He didn't want to waste any time so he grabbed on his uncle clothes, near his throat and stands him up, dropping the coffee to make sure they lock eyes. 

"Where Jimin?" He asks and the uncle just chuckles and tries to remove Jungkook's grip but Jungkook had other plans in mind. "I won't ask again"

"If you really want to know, you shouldn't be killing me, cause I'm the only who knows," He says staring at Jungkook, hoping that he removes his grip. Jungkook removes his grip and walking out to find Jimin on his own. 

"If you walk out that door, I will kill him for sure" Jungkook stops on his track when he heard the uncle approaching. He walks passes him and Jungkook walks after him after scoffing. 


"Jimin!" Jungkook runs up to Jimin but he's locked inside a prison cell. Jungkook was trying to break in but he just couldn't 

"Jungkook..." Jimin whispers with his cries, but Jungkook heard him loud and clearly. 

"Take Jungkook" the uncle orders when he felt like Jungkook was about to break the cell. He was taken back by two strong bodyguards that walk him back, a little away from Jimin but can still be able to see him. 

"Jungkook, because I'm nice, you get to choose how he will die" The uncle stands up and walks to Jungkook, lifting his chin so he can look at him but Jungkook was too busy looking at Jimin. "Oh, so you want me to choose? Sure" he exclaimed then walk to Jimin so he could just take a quick look at the human.

"Bring everyone in!" The uncle order. Soon then, all of Jungkook's brothers came in and were asked to sit tight and watch what was gonna happen. His family was also invited and everyone was full of hatred and disgust of Jungkook, except for his brothers, of course. 

When everything was ready, the uncle order something and two other bodyguards, instead of wearing suits, were wearing some kind of casual outfit for the events.

Now for you guys who don't like fighting or hearing about blood or if you're too emotional, I recommend you not to read any further. 

They open the cell and Jimin promise he would have taken then a run if he wasn't handcuffed to the walls and if his legs were not tighten with a rope, 

"Jungkook... you're a liar" whispered Jimin "This is your family right? Which means you're a vampire!"

"Jimin, I swear I tried to tell you many times but I just couldn't! I couldn't bear losing you!" Jungkook yells, making sure that everyone heard him. 

"All you ever did was lie Jungkook, was there a time when you actually said the truth?" Jimin began tearing up. The uncle granted permission for the guards to back away for a while to let the guys' have their little, I supposed, their last conversation. 

"Jimin... I'm sorry" Jungkook says as he tries to get out of the men arms to run to his lover and apologize nonstop. 

"Does that mean, you saying that you love me was also a lie?" Jimin sobs, his face looks like he had dive inside water without wiping himself clean. 

"No Jimin, I love you and that is the truth!" 

"I don't know whether to believe you or not. Maybe we should end it here, goodbye Jungkook" Jimin says. Everyone else was shocked by the guys relationship, it hit them so hard that they could cry but no matter how sorry they feel, they know that this relationship wasn't right. What could they do? They've experienced this many times. 

"Go ahead and get started" The uncle order and the bodyguards listens. They nodded to each and began.

At first, the uncle wanted to make this easy by maybe beheading Jimin or of course, the less painful one, sucking on his blood but Jungkook made him have second thoughts. He chose Jimin to be killed in front of Jungkook and everyone else. When the uncle decides on something, no one can stop him apart from the king himself. 

"No! Stop.... Please, I beg of you..."Jungkook cries as he watches his boyfriend being beaten up. 

No one listened. He was still trying to get out of his grip from the men but looks like today, nothing is going his way. Jimin was given a few more punches until blood started to appear. Jimin howl in pain. Jungkook swears he wanted to do something but he just couldn't. 

When Jimin was finally coming to an end, he fell on the floor since his cuffs were removed and his legs were free. Blood came out from his mouth, nose and some other places. And that's when Jungkook lost it, he struggles from the men as hard as he can to get out and when he was finally free, he ran up to the cell Jimin was in but the guards stops his way. The uncle tells them to move out the way cause what's the point? Jimin is dead. 

"Jimin? Jimin look at me, it's Jungkook" He cries as he held him on his arms. He didn't care if blood got on his clothes. And today, of all days, he chose to wear a white sleeve shirt. Jimin was barely breathing as he tries his best to open his eyes to look at Jungkook. 

"Jun-gkook, I h-hate y-you..." Jimin whispers as he couldn't keep his eyes any longer, he breaths his last breath before shutting himself down. 

"Jimin! No! what have you done?" Jungkook looks back at everyone else with their cold-hearted blood. 

"Do you know what love is? Let me guess probably not. You've all probably never experience what I and Jimin had. Are your life really that sad? Why... Why did you had to take him away? Did you though taking him away will make me change me? Will change anything? I will and always remember this day. I will and always will hate all of you. And for as long as I live, I'll never forgive what you've all done today." Jungkook says as he looks back at his lover. He touches his cheek and held him closer. 

"You must be sleeping Jimin... I understand that it's night time and you might be tired. Maybe I will see you awake by tomorrow morning, right?" Jungkook's tears drop from his eyes to his cheek. 

"Since you killed him, you might as well just do the same to me, cause what's my other reason to live? He was my everything." Said Jungkook. he stares at his uncle with the one eye patch trying to leave the room. 

"Why are you running away? Kill me too! I want to go along with him, you monster!" The uncle stop at his way when he heard what Jungkook called him. Jungkook really made him do many things he didn't want to do just because of his attitude. 

"That's it, take him and grant him his wish" The uncle order and the guards nodded before walking near Jungkook, only to stop when they heard a voice coming from the door, showing the king. 

"Stop this nonsense immediately!" 

Maybe this is the right time to reveal our secret. 


Okay not gonna lie but this is the longest chapter in the whOle book. 

Don't come at me please... OOF

Have you guys notice that in all other chapter the flowers were moving but only this chapter it wasn't? 


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