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'La vie est un torrent courant vers un abîme.'

" I told you, you couldn't escape me, didn't I?" Jungkook smirks as he grabs Jimin's collar and holds him close

" Let me go you bastard," Jimin said. He was drunk so of course, he doesn't know what he's saying

" What if I don't?" Jungkook chuckles

" Then I'll fucking stain your pretty jaw" Jimin didn't look scared at all making Jungkook scoffs

" Little boy, do you know who I am?"

"No. Not at all and I think it's better if I don't know " He chuckled as he grabs Jungkook hands to remove it from his clothes

Jungkook removes his grip from Jimin as he let him fall on the ground.

" Yah! How dare you throw me like that! What do you take me for? Some kind of object!?" Jimin said as he stands up and got himself ready to fight Jungkook with his smol hands that formed into a fist.

" You little human, you don't know with who you're messing up with"

" Fuck off, go home since I let it slide" Jimin started walking away

" who does this human take me for?" He grabs Jimin wrist and turns him around then hold him close to his chest by his waist

" Yah! What do you think you're doing" Jimin yells but Jungkook shuts him with his hand

" Ay shush you talk too much" Jungkook titled Jimin head and was about to suck his blood but someone from far called on Jimin

" JIMIN! JIMIN WHERE ARE YOU!" Jimin looked her way

" Oh, it's Yoojung" He waves her way and she saw him so she ran toward him and then Jungkook suddenly disappeared

" Jimin, finally I've found you" She speaks breathlessly as she put her hands on her knees.

" Oh hi, Yoojung wanna walk together?"

" Jimin who was that with you?"

" who? Oh, my friend"

" your friend? I think you're drunk, let's go home"

" No I don't want to and I'm not drunk!" he runs away

" No Jimin I'm not running again. Stop right there!"


" and that's it" Yoojung took a sip of her tea as Jimin hold to his tea with is hand and hasn't taken a sip at all. The two were seated at the dinner table next to the kitchen of Yoojung's house.

" and what was the reason for bringing me to your house when you know where I live?" Jimin puts his chin rest on his palm of his hand

" You didn't want to hand me your house key and also Jimin please drink up or your tea will turn cold" Jimin rubs his forehead

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