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'Un jour, tu te réveilleras et tu n'auras plus le temps de faire ce que tu voulais faire. Fais-le donc maitenant. '

"Jung-kook, no-w is not the ti-me" Jimin stutters. He tried so hard to not let out his moans but it wasn't completely working. 

"Mhmm, what are you talking about, don't you know how much I've missed you?" Jungkook kept kissing Jimin's jawline till he got to his neck, leaving red and purple marks.  

Jimin was pressed on the bed while Jungkook was hovering over him and hold down his wrists. They both have no idea how the reached the bedroom in such a little amount of time but no one gave it a thought. Jungkook kept leaving marks on Jimin's jawline and neck and added to the one that he had left the other time they made out. 

"I know bu-t... the foo-" Jimin gasped when he felt Jungkook run his cold hand under his shirt. "Jungkook!"

"Oh Jimin, please let me do this" Jungkook stops his every movements and glances at Jimin. His eyes running back and forth looking at every parts of Jimin face.

"Jungkook... what's wrong?" Jimin felt like something was wrong. Something might be bothering him. Something that he should be aware of.

"Nothing baby, I just want to make you feel good" He say then he tries to continues but Jimin grabs his wrists to stop him. 

"No, let me make you feel good" Jimin smiles as he gets on top of Jungkook. Jungkook back was pressed on the bed. He smiles at the new side of Jimin he just discovered.

"Oh, will you?" Jungkook chuckles imagining his tiny boyfriend trying to top him.

"I will never know if I'm not doing the right thing until I try" Jimin says and Jungkook nodded. They removed their clothes and now they were both nude. They got back into position before Jimin could start anything. 

"Go ahead then. Please me~" Jungkook says and he looks at Jimin to let him know that he could start. Jimin was feeling a bit shy and embarrassed but he didn't know why. 

He grabs the base of Jungkook member and work his hand up and down, wanting Jungkook to feel a friction between his hand and his member. Jungkook groans softly. Jimin's hand were cold as well. When Jimin felt Jungkook was enjoying it, he brought his mouth closer to Jungkook member and Jungkook left another groans as he felt Jungkook hot breath. 

Jimin then inserted his mouth, going as far down as he could and stopped when he felt Jungkook's member hit his throat, almost making him choke. Jimin tend to touch himself as he also wanted to please himself while he kept moving his head up and down on Jungkook member. Jungkook left some groans and moans from time to time. Jimin started to moan as well. When Jungkook felt close to cumming, he stops Jimin sudden movements, which caught Jimin off guard. 

"You naughty boy, you have been touching yourself?" Jungkook stated but Jimin didn't say anything back. He turns Jimin over so he could just get done with this. But as he was about to insert himself in Jimin's hole, Jimin stops him. 

"What's wrong?" Jungkook asked 

"I wanted to be on top"

"You want to ride me?"

"If that's what you call it" Jimin lays Jungkook back on the bed and got on top. 

"Well, if that's what you want." Jungkook went ahead with Jimin's plan and sat back watching Jimin struggle to insert his lover member inside of him so Jungkook steps in and help him out. 

When Jungkook's member was full inside him, he threw his head back at the feeling. It's not a new feeling but Jimin's had gotten back to being tight. Jungkook put his hand on Jimin's waist and waited for him to feel comfortable before he started moving. Jimin then started moving on his own. He moved up and down on Jungkook member and his hand were intertwined with Jungkook. Moans left both boys parted lips and sweat started to form.

"Ah~" Jimin moans. He felt his legs starting to weaken and so his pace had become slower. He lays his head on Jungkook chest. Jungkook took notice of this and let his hand rest on the younger waist and started to thrust upwards. 

"Ah, Jimin" Jimin groans when he felt Jimin walls tightened

"Ju-ngkook, I'm c-lose" Jimin half yelled and half whispered. Jungkook knew the boy was close. So he went fasten his pace making the younger scream in pleasure. 

Jungkook partly kissed Jimin neck while he also tries to keep up with the pace. After a while, Jimin came but Jungkook kept thrusting, wanting to cum too. Jimin shivers for being oversensitive as quiet moans left his parted lips. Jungkook thrust two more time before pulling out and cumming on his torso and Jimin's. They both lays back on the bed breathing heavily as Jimin feels his eyes become heavier. 


" Yeah?"

"Why didn't you release inside of me?"

"Hmm, should I've?"

"Of course"

"I thought you would be pregnant if I do so"

"Jungkook, I'm a boy and so are you. Boys can't get pregnant"


"What do you mean "oh"? Didn't you go to school?"

"Yes I did" Jimin sighed just wanting to go to sleep already. 

"Jimin, don't leave me"

"Jungkook, sleep" Jungkook didn't even realize himself but he actually listened to Jimin. He brought himself close his boyfriend and hug him to sleep but before drifting to sleep, Jungkook kisses Jimin on his forehead and went to sleep. 

Will this be our last time together? I hope I can be able to save you and I from my uncle doings. 


Please don't come at me. I had to write another smut bc the last one was bad af and you guys deserve better but I fell like this is just as bad as the last one. 


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