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'la vie est une rose, donc chanque pétal est une illusion et chaque épine et une réalité'

The ceremony was over and some of them cried, while the other had no emotions at all, including Jungkook. Maybe Jungkook got this from his father. Thought the father just killed his wife, he had no sign of tears on his eyes. He had the same expression as he had when the brothers came to first visit him. The brothers thanked their father for inviting them and after they drink and ate, it was time for them to leave.

" the sun is about to rise, you all shall leave soon," their father said while he was sat back on his throne. 

" Yes, father" Namjoon said and they all bowed at him before they head out following by the guards. 


It was a late 5 am when they got back. They all head to their bedrooms since they were all tired. Jungkook gets inside his bedroom and jumps on his queen size bed (or if you guys want to think a king sized bed, that's up to you, but.. isn't too much for one person?) and thought about something that had happened before the ceremony. 


" Let me go you bastard," Jimin said. He was drunk so of course, he doesn't know what he's saying

" What if I don't?" Jungkook chuckles

" Then I'll fucking stain your pretty jaw" Jimin didn't look scared at all and so Jungkook kept on chuckling at him

" Little boy, do you know who I am?"

"No. Not at all and I think it's better if I don't know " He chuckled as he grabs Jungkook hands to remove it from his clothes

*end of flashback

He chuckles as he kept on thinking about it. " does this guy actually think he can beat me? what a joke"


Jimin drives to work. Today he didn't have a class but a meeting with his working partners. He gets inside and met the rest at the meeting room where his best friend Yoojung Lee was, Mina Myoung, Jinwoo Yoon, Junsun Yoo, Koosung Jung and Jay park himself. 

" Oh Jimin, this way!" said his best friend Yoojung as she held her hand up so Jimin can see where's the voice coming from

" The song choice is Yacht" Jay Park claps his hand feeling proud and excited already about this, this made the rest of the members laugh. 

" We're excited as well" Junsun speaks up

" for sure" Koosung added

" You are ready to go try these steps that me and Yoojung already come up with?" Mina exclaimed 

" Yeah" they nodded

They head out to the dance room and they all gathered away from Mina and Yoojung who was ready to go on.

the music played and they both sync in with the song. Since the dance was only about a minute long with the dance, they finished and they all clapped their hands

" So, what do you guys think? Yoojung smiles

" I like it" Jimin gives out his opinion and the rest agreed.

" sure, let's go with it" Jinwoo who was tranquil the whole times speaks up

" that's good" Mina smiled

" Okay teacher Mina, go ahead and teach us" 

" Why alone? Yoojung you also know the choreography don't you?"

" yes but, two people teaching at the same time just doesn't make sense"

" if you say so" 


" Good job everyone, I'll text you all for when day 2 is," Mina says and they all clap. 

Everyone was tired. It was 5 pm and they were there since 1 pm. They started to make their way out the building but Jimin and Yoojung were left behind alone. Jimin was kneeled down to meet up with Yoojung since she was seating on the floor packing her stuff up

" Jimin, did you bring your car today?" Yoojung askes him

" yeah, why?"

" can you give me a lift?"

" How did you get here then?" I got here with my car but broke down on the way here 

" Oh, alright" Jimin and Yoojung lock gaze together and she blushes so Jimin laughs when he notices

"You're blushing again" Yoojung though Jimin was just trying to make fun of her so she stands up fast, grabs her belongings and heads outside without waiting for the owner of the car.


" Thanks for the ride" Yoojung closes Jimin's cars door and waves at him before heading in.

"sure" he responded ad goes his way home. 

When he got home, he was about to open his house but he felt like he was being watched. Since he was afraid he didn't look back and ignore as he tries again but now, there was a person's shadow over him and he could now feel the person's present who's behind him. All he needs to do is turn around to see who it was. 

No matter how afraid Jimin was, he knows that he had to anyways, he kept escaped this. He doesn't know if the person is carrying some kind of weapon to hurt him or to kidnap him. But if that was the case, he still needs to see if he wanted to report to the police. So with all his courage, he turns around and gasps as he saw who it was.

" Hey there Jimin, miss me already?" 


love, -anpanwoman-

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