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' Au milieu de nulle part'

Jimin stretches as he opens his eyes. He sits up from his bed then gets off. He checks the clock and it's 8 am. He has dance class to teach today at 11 am. He quickly do his morning routine then walk back to his bedroom

"what a quiet atmosphere," he says so softly

This place used to be filled with light and noise. Every morning Jimin will wake up his brother for college as he was in his junior year. His little brother even though he was an adult, always act like a child. When he felt like crying, his big brother Jimin was always there to care for him. And when he was happy, the house turns into a club.

Jimin once wished his brother could sometimes act more mature but he never disliked it. He loved his brother. They almost did everything together, which is why they ask to choose to live together. But now he's gone, Jimin feels depressed but his friend Yoojung was always there for him.


Jimin arrived a half an hour early at 1 million dance studio where he teaches dance. He met his students inside his dance class stretching and getting ready for his class.

Since Jimin has some free time before the lesson, he meets up with the other teachers who were Koosung Jung, Junsun Yoo, Mina Myoung, Hyojin Choi, May Jee Lee, Yoojung Lee, and many others. And of course his best friend Yoojung.

"Hey, Jimin! Right here!" Hyojin waved at Jimin and when he noticed, he smiled before approaching them

"Hi, what's up," he replies

"Jay Park sunbaenim wants us in his music video. Which also mean we need to come up with a choreography" declared Mina

"does that mean class will be dismissed?" Jimin asked

"not at all, class will still take place. But we will also need our own time for the choreography " Koosung added and they all agreed

"isn't that exciting?" Yoojung said as he walks closer to Jimin and holds onto his arm

"definitely" Jimin smiled not caring about Yoojung sudden movement

"okay! Meeting dismiss! Everyone back to your classes, we will talk about this matter another time and If any of you is ready for the video to let me know and we'll set up the camera" Mina said

"Got it!" they all responded as they departed their own ways

"I know you guys are the best friend but don't you think you're too close for only being 'best friends'? " Hyojin walks up to the two and said as they blushed

"I'll go ahead" Jimin walks back to his class but Hyojin and Yoojung stayed behind. They first look at each other than burst into laughter

"he's so cute," Hyojin said as they both walk to their classes

"Hey! Stay away, I'm warning you"


"we're ready," Jimin said as he walks to Mina letting her know that he and his students were reading to film their dance video

"all right, in position. 1... 2...3!"

~| Lie by Jimin Park |~

Jimin was dancing with 2 of his volunteer students. 2 males to be certain. The camera got every angle of them as the rest of the students and the other teachers sat around them. The other was standing up just a little away so that they don't get inside the video.

After they were done, the other group of students goes up and the day went on. Jimin had a total of 13 students. 7 females and 6 males but if including him, make it even.

"class is dismissed," Jimin said and everyone makes their way out the classroom. Jimin walks to his best friend class and found them starting to leave as well.


"Yeah, we're done here"

"what time is it? My phone just died" Jimin asks his friend waiting by the door for her as she was putting her stuff away.

"4 pm, wanna grab something to eat?" Jimin agreed


"are you two ready to order?"

"yes, ma'am. I'd just like lemon juice" she answered then glance at Jimin waiting for him to order as well

"I'd like alcohol," Jimin said as he head was down


"what, why? please get him a strawberry shake"

"no! I don't wanna that! I want alcohol!"

"Uhmm... When you guys are ready to order let me know" she left as she was called from another table

"Jimin! Why are you acting like this?" Yoojung smacks Jimin head that was on the table. Jimin hold onto the place where she smacked and slightly slaps Yoojung on her arms

"I want alcohol"

"you already seem already drunk"



Jimin stood up and left the restaurant. Yoojung told the waitress to cancel as he follows Jimin out. Jimin went to a near alcohol shop and bought 2 cans of Soju. After that, he ran away cause he knows if Yoojung sees him he will take away his drink Yoojung arrived at the same store Jimin had stopped to but he didn't see Jimin anywhere so he asked the cashier but the cashier had no idea where he went.

She kept on looking for him and time passed by. By 9 pm when she finally, find him after looking for so long, she notices that he wasn't alone.



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