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' Sois prudent avec le mots tu choicis d'utiliser. Une fois qu'ils sont dit, ils ne peuvent d'etre pardonnés, mais pas oubliés'

" Hey there Jimin, you miss me?"

" So-rry, bu-t you are? An-d how do you m-y name?" Jimin's voice was a bit shaky showing that he is indeed afraid of the tall man in front of him.

" You don't remember? We've definitively met before" Jungkook lick his lips.

" You really don't remember? I'll help you" Jungkook brought himself closer to the guy, so close that Jimin had trouble breathing

" wh-what are you doing? This is wrong sir" he looked the other way trying not to give any glances on the other man

" Sir?" Jungkook chuckled " let's talk inside" Jungkook passes Jimin and goes inside his house since he already opened it.

" wait!" Jimin tried to stop him but Jungkook had already made his way into the living room. How can he see so good in darkness?

Jimin opens the light and Jungkook hisses at the amount of brightness there was inside the room and he felt like he was being burned alive.

" Sir, are you okay?" Jimin worries as he approaches him


" what?"

" SHUT THE FUCKING LIGHT!" Jungkook runs to a corner where the light couldn't get to him and Jimin runs back to close the light, then runs to Jungkook but by the time he approached him, Jungkook felled to the ground.

" Sir? Sir!?"


Jimin wakes up and he realizes where he was. He was in the living room. He might have slept here, but why, he asked himself. Then all of the sudden he remembered, so he quickly stands up and goes to the bedroom to check on the one sir who assumed that he knows him.

He opens the room quietly finding the man sleeping quietly on the bed. Jimin didn't know how he should feel right by this moment. There was a man sleeping in his bed. 

" do I really know him?" he whispers as he approaches him to get a better look at him. " I wonder where he lives, I could bring him home" Jimin still stares at him

" like what you see?" Jungkook opens his eyes and Jimin looked away shocked

" No... Please leave" Jimin backed away

" but the fun just started" Jungkook sits up on the bed

" what fun?" 

" I should leave soon, or else the other will worried... Not like a care but they will just be so annoying" He whispers

" what? I couldn't clearly hear you" Jimin says. 

Jungkook walks to the kitchen, almost forgetting that Jimin is a human meaning he doesn't have blood on the refrigerator so he exhales

" do you want anything to eat? I'll make you something" Jimin walks into the kitchen 

" something like?"

" what do you like? pancakes? Oatmeal? cereal? Egg?"

" what the fuck are those?"

" huh? you are one weird person"


" I want blood" Jungkook accidentally let his thought out loud. Jimin looked at him confusedly but also scared at the same time

"You're... not funny" Jimin decided to go with pancakes. Jungkook felled his stomach growls and decided to just get some blood from Jimin. Nothing wrong with it right?

He approaches Jimin from behind and gave him a back hug while gazing at Jimin's neck. Jimin quickly back away but he couldn't go far cause of how close he was to the stove. He's much more worried about burning his hand.

" wh-what do you think you're doing!" He got away from Jungkook's embraced

" Oh Jimin, not that. Not what you're thinking of" Jungkook walk closer again but his ears twitched. In this case, means that someone is looking for him so he stops his steps and holds his ears. He decided to ignore it and continues with Jimin

" Don't come any closer"Jimin runs out to the kitchen to the front door but Jungkook was fast enough to catch him before he leaves the house. He pinned both of his hand on the wall and took a second to look at Jimin who's eyes never leaved the other. Making sure that he tracks where the other eyes could be looking at and maybe stop his intentions.

" do you mind?" Jungkook smirked as he make himself approach closer to Jimin's neck

" please..." Jimin cries 

" Please what?"

"Please... Let me go"



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