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' C'est comme ça que je t'aime comme un fou malgré moi, ton sang dans les veines et tes larmes de joie '

Jimin and Jungkook arrive back home tired after their date together. Jimin runs to the living room and falls freely onto the couch as he smiles to himself leaving Jungkook behind to carry all the plastic bags they had.

"Jimin, lend me a hand," Jungkook says as he carried as much plastic bags he can with his two hands. Jimin whines as stayed where he is before Jungkook asked again and so he reluctantly stands up to help the older. 

They put the bags down in the kitchen floor and they decided to unpack them later as they were both tired from such a long day. Jungkook wonders, if staying with Jimin for a day meant to go on dates and shops all the time or was it just because it's the first time that Jungkook gets to stay with Jimin for a full day so he wanted to have as much fun as he could. They each decided to get something done as they waited for each other. Jungkook went to change as Jimin went to shower. 


By the time they were all done, they stayed in the living room. They decided to watch a movie to get done with the day. It's already 6 pm. The sun is already down,  Jungkook wonders if he going to get even home tonight since there's a high possibility that he's gonna stay here again. He doesn't feel like going home and leaves Jimin here all alone. 

"What are you thinking about, Jungkook?" Jimin caught his boyfriend attention as he looks back at him. Jimin's eyes staring deeply with his. 

"Nothing..." Jungkook looks back at the movie they were watching. Jimin nodded as he lays his head on Jungkook's shoulder. 

After some minutes into the movie, Jungkook, who wasn't even paying attention to the movie, look over Jimin who gave all his attention into the movie and held his boyfriend's hands. Jimin notices and he smiled before looking at Jungkook who had a smirk on his face. 

"What are you doing?" Jimin chuckles still glaring at his boyfriend who held his hand 

"Nothing wrong" He replied as he brought himself closer to his face. Jimin's brain couldn't think quick of what to do as a next action so Jungkook was able to take advantage of this.

He brought his face closer and gave Jimin a kiss on his lips. Jungkook asks himself why hasn't he had taken this action before. Was he scared? Or he wanted to reconsider Jimin's feeling first? Because this felt like heaven. 

Jimin let Jungkook take over him as he closed his eyes.  Jungkook was able to read Jimin's mind and so he continues. He also took this opportunity to go deeper into the kiss, taking his tongue with his as he lightly let Jimin falls in the couch. Though Jungkook already knew what Jimin will answer to his question, he breaks away from the kiss and asks

"Do you want me to go deeper?" He asks in a husky voice as he smirks. Jimin, feeling a little shy, just nodded. Jungkook smiles as he landed his lips on Jimin's neck earning a little moan from his lover. If he were to say that didn't turn him on, that would be the biggest lie he ever told. 

Jungkook kept doing what he is doing but he also took this chance to trace his fingers under Jimin's shirt as he lightly pushes it up. Jimin covers himself with his arms, surprising Jungkook.

"What's wrong baby?" Jungkook asked as he lightly kisses Jimin's arms

"Let's n-ot... do it h-ere" Jimin timidly whispers not making eye contact with Jungkook. 

"Then where should we go?" Even though Jungkook already knew the answer, he still wanted to tease the younger and make him blush. Jimin blushes just by the thought of it and covers his face with a nearby pillow. 

"Stop teasing," He says throwing the pillow at Jungkook. Jungkook then lifts up Jimin, carrying him bridal style as he brings him to the bedroom. Once they reach the bedroom, Jungkook lightly lay Jimin on the bed as he hovers over him. 

He reconnects his lips with Jimin. Jimin places his arms around Jungkook's neck while Jungkook deepens the kiss. He breaks away little moments away and lays it back on his neck. Jimin kept rewarding Jungkook with moans which how now became something Jungkook likes to hear. 

Jungkook pulls his lips away as he removes Jimin shirt and his as well. Leaving both of them half nude. Jimin blushes just by looking at Jungkook chest. Jungkook notices and smirks. 

"Like what you see?" He jokes 

"Nonsense" Jimin says as he tries to touch it but Jungkook grabbed his wrist "Hey... Wasn't it made to be touched?" Jimin whines. Jungkook chuckles. He let Jimin wrist go as Jimin landed his hand on his torso. 

"It's so cold," Jimin remarked making Jungkook smiles. 

"As long as I'm with you, it will be warm. I know you can't feel it just by touching it but just being with you and see you smile makes my body warm." Jungkook while he left kisses and marks on Jimin's chest making the younger moan.

"Really?" Jimin trailed off

"Really... Jimin?"Jungkook says as he continues on what he was doing


"I love you" 


I'm sorry but I can't control myself UWU. I had to stop because it was almost 1k words. But this will continue into the next chapter. I love u all. And remember, stay hydrated  💧


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