< 四十五>

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'Car, vois-tu, chaque jour je t'aime d'avantage. Aujourd'hui plus qu'hier et bien moins que demain '

"Jimin, stay!" Jungkook run after Jimin and after Jungkook said that, he stops on his track looking back at Jungkook tearing up. "S-stay" Jungkook collapses on the floor before even get near Jimin. 

"Jungkook!" Jimin yells, running back to him and holding him. "Jungkook..." He whispers

"Jimin... please don't go" He says "I didn't mean it like that" Jungkook holds Jimin's cheeks again to look him into the eyes. 

"Do say anything Jungkook, let's go home"


"Where were you two? You've been gone for a long time, I was worried" The kings says seating on a chair, near Jungkook's bed. Jimin was seating on Jungkook's bed and Jungkook was laying on it, shirtless since he had a gauze covering his lower body. 

"I'm so-"

"We're sorry" Jungkook says instead, Jimin looks back at Jungkook and Jungkook shook his head letting him know he shouldn't say anything so he sighed

"I hope that doesn't happen again" The kings stands up and leaves the room

"I- We promised" Jimin says and the kings was already out the door. He sighed and look back at Jungkook. Jungkook smiles at him and held his hand. 

"I'm sorry for causing so much trouble" Jimin apologizes but Jungkook just shakes his head

"This is all my fault, I'm sorry too" Jungkook says then tried to sit up but Jimin tells him he shouldn't. "I'm fine, It's a little injury and, it doesn't hurt as much as it did at first" He reassures him and Jimin nods


"Don't leave ever again..."

"Are you telling me to stay?" Jimin asked and Jungkook nods "Can we get back together?" Jimin shyly asked but only to make Jungkook chuckles. 

"Why are you stealing my lines?" He chuckles, "Those are words I should be saying" Jimin laughs since Jungkook still has the humor side of him. "But are you sure by staying close to me you'll be happy?"

"Of course, because I love you and no one else" Jimin confess, he hugs Jungkook and stay under him. Jungkook let his chin rest on top of Jimin's head and answer 

"I love you too"


Later that night, when Jungkook felt alright and able to move again, he and Jimin were in the living room exposed to the tv watching random things. Though the Tv they had is different from the one on Earth, they were still able to get some good content. They cuddle on the chair since no one was around. 

"Awe come on" Jimin laughs hard when Jungkook was tickling him. "Stop, stop, okay I admit I lose!" He tries to reach for Jungkook arm so he could stop. Jungkook chuckles as well. 

"Jimin. you're so loud" Jungkook chuckles and Jimin looks around once he sits up

"Sorry, I forgot what time it was already" Jimin quietly laughs hiding his mouth. "this round wasn't fair, I want to do it again" Jimin whines. 

"Uhmm... should we really? Cause you only keep on losing" Jungkook teases kissing Jimin's cheek

"Come on, just lose once~" 

"Alright, anything for my baby" He says and the play one more round of stare.

Jimin preps himself before they play and Jungkook just enjoyed watching him trying so hard to win. He was now ready and so they started. They both close their eyes and counted to 3 before opening them again and stare the hell out of each other's soul. Jimin started to feel his eyes heavy but Jungkook felt perfectly fine. Jungkook could tell that Jimin was gonna lose again. Jimin felt tears running out of his eyes and since he knew he was about to lose, he blows air to Jungkook's face and he blink.

"oh that was cheating, you deserve a punishment" Jungkook chuckles and Jimin laughs while wiping his eyes.

"I had to do something!" Jungkook removes Jimin's hand away so he could wipe Jimin's tears. Jimin just smiled looking at him.

"So, do you call yourself bad at this game?" Jungkook quickly went in for kiss, pecking Jimin's lips, leaving the younger giggling. 

"Never! One day, I will wine for sure"

"Oh really? I'll wait until then" Jungkook teases and Jimin lightly hit his arm. "I'm just joking" After they calmed down, Jungkook held both of Jimin's cheeks, bringing him in for a kiss. He kisses his lips and Jimin just fell into his touch, also holding him close but he realizes where they are. 

"Jungkook, not here" Jimin says after they broke away from the kiss. 

"Why not?"

"Anyone can see"

"Jimin?..." Jungkook calls him and held both of his hand. 


"I love you"

"Lucky you cause I love you too"


Double update! The last line wasn't written by me but my brain, blame it lol.


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