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' quand je me réveille,  je pense à toi et quand je dors,  je rêve de toi. N'importe où dans le monde , à chaque seconde je pense à toi'

Jungkook wakes up finding himself somewhere else than his bedroom. This is not my room, where am I? He asks himself but before he can look even more, someone opens the door.

"Sir Jungkook, you're awake. I'd like for you to follow me" Jungkook look at the maid for a second then he couldn't believe his eyes.

"great,  my father ended up forcing me to get here"

When they reached the living room, Jungkook sat comfortably on the couch as he waited for his dad to arrive.

Once arrived,  everyone else left the room leaving only Jungkook and his father.

"Jungkook my son,  how can you refuse to visit your own father?" he sat down on the couch across from Jungkook

" Father,  why did you kidnapped me?"

"you can't answer a question by a question Jungkook" his Father grins. He then lay back at the couch and sighed. "you're just like me when I was your age"

"uhmm... No?"

"Jungkook you can't hide anything from me,  I'll know it eventually"

"well good for you. Why did you kidnapped me?"

"breakfast is ready Sir" said a miss as she knocks at the door

"we'll be there soon"

"alright sir"

" I had no choice" he seats back straight " you didn't want to meet up"

"why do you need me here?" Jungkook asked his father but he stayed silent for a minute. Jungkook looked at his father,  thinking maybe he said something wrong for him to be quiet.

His father expression changed from the amused one to serious. Why the sudden change? Jungkook knows he's father pretty well. If he changes his expression,  it must mean something is bothering him.

"where we're you?"

"what do you mean"

"last time, your brothers sent a message saying you weren't home. They were so worried they though you went missing. Seriously Jungkook,  where were you"

" I was just wandering around..."

"wandering where? In earth?"

"so? What's so bad about that?"

"Jungkook,  you know we can't trust humans nor be friends with them"

"I don't trust them and I'm also not friends with any of them"

"then where did you hid from the sun? Where did you sleep?"

"I.. "

"Jungkook don't tell me...."


"is he ever gonna come back?" though Jimin as he look out the window from his bedroom.

Jimin arrived home late. It was 10 pm on the clock as the only thing to explain this is it was a very busy day at his work. When he reached his bedroom, he changed to a light pink shorts,  a white shirt that that says "never mind" on the top right corner and some random black socks. He was standing next to his window looking out as it was raining just little drops.

Jimin had no idea why he started thinking about a guy he barely knows. He still doesn't remember, if he had seen him before. As hard as he try to think through it,  all he knows is that he has actually did see him before but don't know where.

Why are you in my mind. Jeon Jungkook?

Jimin decided to maybe go take a walk to refresh his mind.

"I might be going crazy. What is this feeling? I've never felt this way before"

He took the house keys from the night stand and walk down the stairs to the living room, then opens the door to walk out but as soon as he opens the door,  he doesn't believe on the man who was seating next to his door in the rain. He look all wet.  He could have catched a cold. He wonder for how long he was there for.



Short chapter,  I know I'm sorry ='(

Love,  -anpanwoman-

&quot;Redamancy&quot; || Jikook AU ✔Where stories live. Discover now