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' J'ai là-haut entre les étoiles, quelqu'un que je n'oublierai jamais'

"Jungkook,  meet my brother. Park Jihyun" Jimin softly smiles trying to restrain his tears.

He opens the small glass door. (each shelves had one) by sliding it to the right and take out a picture of his brother so Jungkook could clearly see it.


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"he... looks like you" that's all Jungkook could say as he's afraid. Why? Cause he's the one who knows the truth.

"yeah,  many people used to say that. To the point they though we were twins"

"Jimin... I'm sorry for the lost"

"it's okay... You didn't do it so why are you apologizing." he laughs through his tears. He tried to restrain it but that just didn't work. The tears made it's way down Jimin's cheeks

Jimin puts back the picture where it was at first, then slide the door back closed. He then hold Jungkook's hand which of course,  caught Jungkook attention and started questioning himself.

"can you just let me hold your hand like this?" he looks up at the older with teary eyes and Jungkook wanted to apologize so bad and tell him the truth but he just couldn't. He just couldn't do it. But at least he wanted to hug the younger and whispers words to comfort him. But he also couldn't. So he just let him hold his hand.


There's nothing he can do about it anyways. What is done is done. And you can't blame him, this is what he does for a living ever since childhood. And if he was to stop,  he will die out of hunger. This is actually the first time he felt bad for a human he killed. And no one else makes him feel like this but Jimin.

"your hands are so cold" he smiles through his tears. 

That's because vampires have cold blood.

Jimin looks back at his brother picture and a white jar that was next to it.

"I'll make sure to find whoever killed him-" he said with confidence "and make them pay... With my bare hands. My brother didn't do anything to deserve this"

That made Jungkook so surprise. How can someone so innocent like him do such a thing? But that's not what's important right now. Jimin wants to kill whoever cause the death of his brother. But what if he founds out that Jungkook is the one?


Jimin and Jungkook got back home. They didn't even realize how long they were out for. It's already the evening by the time they were home and the sun is already making its way down.

"are you gonna leave me again? Can't you stay like last time?" Jimin whines as he hold Jungkook's arm as Jungkook was standing at the door of Jimin's house,  about to leave.

"I'm afraid I can't Jimin"

"why? Aren't you old enough to live by yourself? Why don't your parents trust you enough? You seem like a good guy"

Good guy? Jimin I killed people. I drink their blood.

"yeah,  they don't trust me"

"Can I at least meet your parents? So I could talk to them? "


"alright,  alright"

"thank you,  I'll get going now" Jungkook walks out the door but Jimin catch up to him

"wait! Give me at least your phone number"

"phone number? Jimin,  I don't have a phone and I don't have a number"

"what? I guess your parents really don't trust you. Next time we meet. Which is tomorrow, I will buy you one"

"okay,  can I go now?"

"okay go" Jimin says but Jungkook wasn't moving. He sighed.

"how do you expect me to leave while you're still holding me?"

"oh" Jimin backs off and laughs out of embarrassment.

"I'm going now" Jungkook says as he walks away

"bye" Jimin waves him goodbye before he walks back inside his room.

Once Jimin was inside,  Jungkook took this chance to transform into a bat before flying back up high in the sky. (the universe?😅)


Jungkook arrived back home and was surprised when he didn't see anyone in the living room or anywhere else. The house was really quiet. No sound could be heard, until Jungkook walked into Namjoon's bedroom and met everyone inside.

"oh Jungkook,  here you are. Welcome back"

Welcome back? Aren't they gonna ask me where I was and what was I doing?

Jungkook,  not wanting to say anything,  shut the door and walk back into his room. He gets on his bed and heavily sighs. Is it a good one or a bad one?

Jimin wants to kill me? I'll just make sure he never founds out.


"I'm pretty sure,  Jungkook is going back to earth tomorrow,  so who should be the ones going to follow him?" Namjoon asked his fellow brothers who were making plans to find out about Jungkook secrets

"Just because I agreed to it,  it doesn't mean I actually want to be in it" Jin says as he's not sure if he should really gets involved in Jungkook's business.

"are you afraid of Jungkook? Unbelievable" Hoseok says

"not that I am but I don't think the is ri-"

"okay that's settles, Taehyung,  Hoseok and Yoongi will go and spy on Jungkook tomorrow" Namjoon confirms his plan " and me and Seokjin will-"

"wait wait wait wait, why do you two gets to chills while I have to be with these loud kids?" Yoongi whines

"we won't be chilling. We're gonna look through his stuff"

"sure you will"

"sure we will"

"okay guys,  don't forget."

This time,  we're gonna get you Jungkook.


Sorry not sorry 

Love,  -anpanwoman-

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