< 三十八>

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'Donner du temps au temps et ne jamais baisser les bras même dans le moments les plus dure '

"When I was young like you, I was also in love, with a human. Of course, as you know until today and the rules still apply, vampire and human were asked to have no connection. But I was ready to risk it all.

I also hide from my family that we were a thing, and our relationship was going well. We loved each other so much that we decided to stay by each other side forever. She once asked me to marry her but that was something I could never do. I was so mad at myself for being able to give her everything she wanted. Unlike many other vampires who were in love, she knew my identity. She was scared of course, but I promise her to never hurt her and not let anyone else hurt her.

When we were finally caught, we were devastated, we tried running away but it was too late. They took her and wanted to kill her, I begged not to and ask to sacrifice myself in her place. I knew what I've done was wrong but the thought of it never crossed my mind when I was with her. They killed her in front of my eyes and until today I still remember her last words.

"Be happy"

Of course, it didn't affect me. I was never able to be happy ever again. After her death, back in the day, both people in the relationship had to be punished so I had to receive mine as well. That's when they decided to remove both of my eyes but the king was nice enough to help me through and in the end, I was left with only one eye."


Back to the present

"Stop this nonsense immediately!" The king shouted from where he stood. Everyone else was surprised by the king appearance. "Who's idea was this? Who gave you all permission to organize an event without my consent?" He looks around and notices Jungkook who was in the floor and holding someone in his arms. Blood was all over his clothes so he guessed some killing was happening

"I did this" The uncle sat back walks to the king. "I did it, sir, it was all me"

"Why?" The king asked. But the uncle wanted them to go sit somewhere else where no one would be able to hear their conversation but the king wanted the opposite.

"Sir, you know the consequences a vampire has to bear when they disobey the rules" The uncle whispered.

"Of course I know but I want to know the reason why I wasn't aware of this?"

"Because I knew you were going to interfere"

"Stop now" He orders then looking back the people. "Everyone must leave now, there's nothing more to see here" The king order and everyone else listens. The only person who was left was the king himself, the uncle, Jungkook and his boyfriend.

The king and the uncle ended their conversation then brought their attention back to Jungkook who was laying on the floor with Jimin who was still on his arms.

"Kill me too..... Kill me too..." Jungkook kept on repeating his words with his eyes closed. He lay on the floor with Jimin on his arms.

"You should have let me talk to him before you could kill his human friend" The king walks to Jungkook shaking his head at his cold-hearted brother.

"I'm sorry..." The uncle apologized before walking out the door, leaving the king and Jungkook.

"Jungkook, get up and let's talk"

"Kill me too.... Kill me too..." He kept on repeating.

The uncle sighed before he says something else. "Let me tell you a story. You know your mother is-"

"A human" Jungkook finishes his sentence, opening his eyes and sitting up but was still holding Jimin on his arms.

"How did you find out?"

"When my brothers went to school, I was left behind so I once when I was a kid, I hid under the bed because I wanted to play hide and seek with mother but I ended up overhearing your conversation with mother about her being a human and having to take her medicine for longer life"

"So you know"

"Of course. Even though I knew, I still kept it a secret from everyone else. I have no reason to hate you enough to reveal your secret. I knew this wasn't your doing. I know uncle's story now and yes, I feel bad but I don't know why he had to take it upon me and Jimin" he says between his sobs

"I guess your Jimin is very lucky. Is he your friend?"

"Do you think I would have done all this just for a friend?" Jungkook asked and that made the king raise an eyebrow. "He's my boyfriend. And I don't care about what you're about to say, I love him. You're not taking him away from me"

"Jungkook, I've never said anything about taking him away from you. I know when you were a kid, we barely had time to talk like this. I was never there to play with you because of how busy I was, but seeing you so happy like this, why would I take him away if he's the source of your happiness?"

"So your gonna let me keep him?"

"Yeah but not in this state. I know someone who can help you, come with me" The king smiles and that the first time Jungkook had ever seen his father's smile. Jungkook was full of hope.

___________________________________________________________________We now have the answer to the mystery of the uncle's eye! and the father's secret.


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