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' Je t'aime. fuck that. Je m'aime'

" How's your cheek Jungkook?" Jin went inside Jungkook's room and he stood there while his hand was still touching the doorknob

" None of you fucking business, get out hyung," Jungkook said as he covers himself up with his bed cover. Jin sighed and choose not to listen to the younger. He approaches him and sat on a chair near to him.

" Jungkook, if you keep behaving like this, no one will be able to take care of you. Even your other brothers are scared to approach you"

" And I seem to care?"

" I'll call Yoongi if you keep on being rude," Jin said and this time Jungkook removes his blanket that was covering his face and faces Jin

" No, you wouldn't"

" we'll see about that, YOON-" Jin was about to call on the older but Jungkook shushes him by placing his hand on his mouth.

" Okay, I'll listen"

" Thank you. Come for dinner, everyone's is waiting" Jin then made his way out of the room as Jungkook follow behind


" Is your cheek okay?" Namjoon asked as Jungkook took his seat at the long dinner table

" Oh why the f-" Yoongi looked at Jungkook already knowing what the younger was about to say, Jungkook notices so he takes back his word after sighed loudly.

" How does it look to you?"

" I don't know, you tell me"

" well, it's doesn't hurt as much as it did yesterday"

" that's good to know"

The 6 brothers then enjoyed their meals on the dinner table served by the maids. While eating, they all started on some conversation, just to keep the atmosphere alive.

" Do you guys know, uncle is coming today?" Namjoon changed the topic of their conversation. The other looks up

" Yeah we know," They all said

" So after this everyone should go and prepared themselves, You all know how can uncle can act if there's a slight mistake on anything we do" Jin added

" Yes"


The 2 giants door of the 6's brothers home opens, revealing their uncle who was wearing a long dark blue cap on top of his dark clothes. He had the scariest narrow eyes and his hair shaved bald. His guard walks side by side with him as he makes his way inside the house. The brother's bowed as he goes into the house as well as the other maids. He walks past the lobby to the living room and sat there. The brothers follow.

"Greetings uncle, long time no see" Namjoon speaks up

" Ahhh~" the uncle sighed " Yes, it was a long ride"

" you must be hungry, do you want to eat anything before we get started?" Jin suggests

" That'll be a good idea, fresh blood will do"

Jin called on the maid closes to him and told her to prepare the meal for the uncle. The maid responded with a " yes sir" before going into the kitchen

" It'll be ready soon" He nodded

"How's our parents?" Yoongi asked

"That's the exact reason why I'm here"

" what do you mean?" Hoseok speaks up

" Your father is doing well as always but your mother..." he stops for a moment " her health is getting serve and this time it's serious" And they all put they're head down

" She's already in so much pain and since she's immortal, it just makes the case worse. So your father decided to behead her and don't worry, it's her wish too"

" No!" Tae shouted

" Dinner's ready," The maid said quietly

" Uncle, you can go ahead, we can talk later" He nodded. Jin and Namjoon left with the uncle to the dining room as the rest stays in the room to discuss all this.

" We can't let father do that" Tae almost cried but he doesn't want to be weak in front of his little brother, Jungkook.

" If that's also what mother wants then I guess we can't do anything to stop them" Yoongi crosses his leg and out his hand on his knee

" Yoongi is right" Hoseok agreed


" You are all invited to the palace at 3 am," The uncle says before leaving with his guards " make sure to be there"


Love, @-anpanwoman-

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