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'Je choisis de faire de ce qui me rend heureux dans la vie '

3 days earlier

Jungkook decided to move in, in the castle with his father since things had been awkward at home, Jungkook stopped going out because people were still giving him looks. Jungkook's father the king, had been taking a lot of time out to help his child. The only person Jungkook feels comfortable with it his father or his brothers.

The king trusted only one guard of all the guards he had. He asked him to take Jungkook to see the witch who knows how to take care of things like this. Jimin's blood was wiped off and his wounds have been treated. Everyone left, leaving Jungkook, who carried Jimin on his back, inside a room where an old lady was seating in middle with her feet that crossed each other. She was wearing a long dark green dress, with jewelry on her neck, wrist, ears, and on her head. Her eyes were closed as he patiently waits for the male to take a seat.

Jungkook sat down on the floor which had a red carpet with black stripes. Jungkook puts Jimin down on the floor as well, his head on his thighs and the rest of his body on the floor.

"Hello miss, my name is Jeon Jungkook and I'm here to seek for help," He said. He looks around the room, it was very colorful. The lady still kept her eyes closed.

"Jeon Jungkook, the son of our king. You're seeking help for Jimin, isn't that right?"

"Y-yes" She the hummed again after Jungkook's answer.

"Your boyfriend is a human, and you're looking for a way to bring him back to life after his death? Now, isn't that right?" Jungkook was surprised by how much the old lady knows but he chose not to ask any questions and focus on the reason why he's here.

"Yes ma'am" he answers, caressing Jimin's hair. She then opens her eyes, to only meet up with Jungkook, he was surprised by the old lady eyes color. One was green while one was blue.

"Then I have what you need" she answers, she smiled for a sec then went back to her serious expression. Jungkook almost jumped in happiness knowing there's a way he could save his boyfriend.

"But you know that sacrifices will be made"

"Like which?"

"Jimin will not be reborn as a human but as a vampire. He will never have a life of a human again."

"But what about his family and friends?"

"You should have thought about the consequences before dating each other. But, one most important thing to know is... he will forget about everything" Jungkook eyes widened, he was almost in tears.


"Since he's been re-born, he needs to be re-born fresh and since he's been reborn as a vampire, he needs to forget everything."

"Does that mean he won't know who I am?"

"Probably not. There's a high chance of it" She answers, "Now, do you want to proceed? You don't have to answer me now, I'll give you 3 days. Don't keep your boyfriend waiting long"



Jungkook came back to the old lady house with his answer. Jimin has been staying with the old lady for a while now. She has been taking care of him. Jungkook meet up with her in the same room he was in the last time he was here.

"If that's the only way for him to be alive again, then I guess we'll go with it" Jungkook promise that he had thought about it carefully for the past three day and had finally come with a decision.

"Are you sure? Once we proceed, we can't go back"

"I am..."


Jungkook watches tightly as the old lady did her things. It's has been going for a minute now and no one has said a word yet until she paused and Jungkook wonders what's wrong.

"Why did you stop?"

"It's done" She smiles, "He's gonna surely wake up by tomorrow, right now, his body needs rest and looks like it has some constructions it needs to make in order for him to survive... as a vampire" She fixes her sight on Jimin's body.

"Can I take him home or do he have to stay here?"

"Either is fine"

"I'll take him"


By the next morning, Jungkook wakes up and walks to Jimin's bedroom. The younger was still sleeping in the guest room. Jungkook smiled softly seeing Jimin's chest rising and descending, showing that he is breathing. Even though Jimin was now a vampire, he was still human like. Jungkook kept looking at Jimin until he opens his eyes and look around the room.




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