< 十六>

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'Il faut de tout pour faire un monde, mais il me faut que toi pour faire le mienne '

Jungkook was seating in the dinning table with his brothers, having breakfast all together. Even though it was a quiet atmosphere, they couldn't stop throwing glances every second at Jungkook. Till he realizes it and speaks up

"I don't understand why people keep staring. Am I that handsome?" and yes he was also referring to Jimin.

"handsome my ass, are you trying to take my title away?" Seokjin couldn't believe that Jungkook just called himself handsome "I'm Mr. Worldwide handsome here"

"okay, we're not about to start a fight here you two" Namjoon stops the two

"stop ruining my peace and quiet" Yoongi scold them "who started talking?"

"Jungkook!" they all pointed at him

"what? I had to say something. They kept on staring" Jungkook finishes his portion of his breakfast before standing up and leaving the dinning room.

"do you think he's gonna go down on earth?" hoseok asks worries that the plan might not even take place

"I don't know, it doesn't seem like he will" Taehyung answers

"let's not worry about that now. We still have a day ahead. And if he doesn't go, we can try again tomorrow so where's the problem? We will catch him no matter what" Namjoon reassure them

" I don't think we should do this though. What if we see something unexpected?" Seokjin worries

"we can back you off the plan if that's what you want" Yoongi says
"whatever I'm... In"

"okay, guys go get ready. He might go any time soon"

The brothers left the dining room and went to sit in the living room as if they never talked about anything behind his back. They were all doing to act as if it was like any normal day. Suddenly, Jungkook came out of his bedroom as he made his way to the living room so walk out the door.

The brothers notices him and this is where everything starts. Taehyung, Yoongi and hoseok follows Jungkook as he goes down to earth. When Namjoon was sure that they left, him and Seokjin gets inside Jungkook bedrooms and searches for anything human related in Jungkook's room.


"Jungkook!" Jimin spotted Jungkook walking his way as Jimin was going inside his house trying to carry all the groceries.

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