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' Sois avec quelqu'un qui est fier d'etr avec toi, qui rit avec toi, qui t'ecoute, qui te comprend, qui te traite bien et qui fait de toi sa priorité '

It's been weeks and Jungkook couldn't help it anymore. He misses Jimin and wishes to see him soon. When they sent each other text messages, Jimin will always be whining about missing his lover and his touches. Jungkook couldn't help but wanting to see his boyfriend as well. No matter how much he wanted to see him, he knew he couldn't. His uncle has been keeping an eye on him and Jungkook doesn't want to cause his boyfriend to be in danger just because of his silly doings.

But not today. Jungkook found out that his uncle is far from his house and caste because he had to go somewhere. An order from the king. Which mean Jungkook get to see Jimin again after so long. After he quickly made his mind, then decided to go for it anyways. He made his leaves without letting anyone know. Even Jimin doesn't know. He wants to surprise his boyfriend.

Once he reaches earth, he made his way to the flower shop and pick up some flowers for his lover before meeting him. He walks out of the store and now heading to Jimin's house. When he arrived at his front door, he arrange his posture and knocked. After his third knock, he heard a voice inside yelling 'coming' and so he stood there smiling.

"Jungkook?" Jimin eyes widened. He was happy and also excited to see his boyfriend. Jungkook also smiles but was caught off guard by Jimin's clothing. He handed him the flower anyways and Jimin hugged him by the spot.

"What are you wearing? and why is your hair like this?" Jungkook asks as he kept looking at Jimin and touched his small ponytail.

"Ah, my friends came to visit me and we got bored so we decided to play dress up"

"Dress up?"

"We're not really dressing up but we're doing each other hair and stuff like that"

"I see" Jungkook laughs "You're ponytail is on point" Jimin smiles at Jungkook's comment. He then leads the way inside the house. They reached the living room finding Sori and Yoojung inside. Jungkook greeted them and they greeted back before he could take a seat.

"Jungkook, you're so lucky to be dating Jimin... You have no idea how of a crush I had on him" Yoojung says as she looks down

"What?" Jungkook couldn't clearly catch what she just said. Is she drunk?

"Don't mind her. By the way, want to tag along with us?" Sori says as she patted Yoojung's head

"No thanks" Jungkook chuckles while he hold Jimin hands, he's other hand was holding the bouquet of flower given by his boyfriend

"Jungkook you rude as bitch" Yoojung kept going.

"She's drunk, we should leave" Sori says as she packs her stuff trying to leave

"You rude as motherf- ouch that hurts!" Yoojung rubbed her head where Sori had smacked

"Stop cursing you child and let's go"

"Oh why do we always have to leave them alone? I don't trust Jungkook" Yoojung gave Jungkook one of her dead stare but that just caused Jungkook to laugh.

"We'll get going!" Sori got her stuff and left with Yoojung before she causes more trouble. Jungkook looked at Jimin confusedly but Jimin just laughs it off

"So they know?" Jungkook asked and Jimin nodded

"I was drunk once and spit it out without knowing but don't mind Yoojung. I know how she is, she will open up to you soon" Jimin says and Jungkook nodded

"by the way, I missed you so much. I'm so happy you're here"

"I've missed you too, you have no idea what I had to go through to leave the house" Jungkook wipes his imaginary sweats trying to show that it was indeed a difficult procedure.

"I see, at least you're here so I'm happy"

"Yah, why are you stealing my lines? I should be the one saying that" Jungkook lightly hit Jimin shoulder causing Jimin to chuckle. After no words were exchanged and silent filled the atmosphere, they stared at each other then Jungkook took this opportunity to give Jimin a quick kiss on his lips.



"So did you went to work today?" Jungkook asked. They were both going back to Jimin's place, hand intertwined with one another as they swings it back and forth

"I did, but I got to go home early because all we had to for today was the filming with Jay park for the choreography of his song yacht. Other than that, we're done." Jimin replies making Jungkook nod.

They kept having little conversation while they made their way back home. Jungkook was able to steal some quick kisses from Jimin and the younger also wanted to play his game.

But little do they know, they were being watched...


Well, I just joined tennis which mean I won't get time to update on weekdas BUT, big BUT, I'll always take time to update on the weekends.


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