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' Ce qui compte, chez un homme, ce n'est pas la couleur de sa peau ou la texture de sa chevelure, mais la texture et la qualité de son âme '

Jungkook wakes up and adjusts himself from the light coming out from the window. He looks in front of him and behind him, no sign of Jimin. And also no sign of the flower he bought for Jimin. 

Did he leave for work? Jungkook though, But why on a Sunday?

He stands up from the bed and walked to the living room, hoping to see him there. And there he was, Jimin was making breakfast and Jungkook glances at the dining table and saw the flower he bought for Jimin yesterday. 

He quietly walks behind Jimin and back hugged him as he lightly left a small peck on his neck. Jimin was caught by surprise but since he knew who it was, he says without looking at him

"I'm still mad at you Jungkook" 

"Awn why? After you took the flower I bought for you?" Jungkook breaks from the hug and turn Jimin around to face him

"I just took it as a present but not only that you didn't come, you also didn't answer the phone"

"I'm sorry Jimin, but something happen and I wasn't able to make it"

"Why did that 'something' had to happen just on the day of my birthday? and was it that important in order to forget about my birthday?" Jimin pouted 

"No, I didn't forget, I will never but my parent just... It's complicated" Jungkook stretcher his arm so Jimin could hug him but Jimin walked away back to his cooking


"I'm still mad"

"Then what would you like for me to do in order for you to forgive me?" Jungkook walks back to him and back hugged him again

"Come on Jungkook, I'm trying to cook here" 

"I'm not doing anything, now come on, what do you want? I'll do anything"

"Anything you said?"

" oh please Jimin, be easy on me"

"Okay, there's something you can do for me so I can forgive you" Jimin turns around and faces Jungkook 

"And that is?" Jungkook holds Jimin's cheeks with his hand and Jimin hold onto his arm as they looked at each other

"Stay with me" 

"Isn't that what I'm doing right now?"

"No, I mean like stay with me forever."

"are you asking me to marry you?"

" If you want to put it that way then go ahead" Jimin smiles and Jungkook was happy to see him smiling again 

"Of course I will! I'll stay with you" He gave him a quick peck before walking to the bathroom to get himself ready. Jimin yelled a quick 'You are forgiven' before going back to his cooking. 

While they were eating, Jimin grew curious of the flower Jungkook gave him. Not because he thinks he stole it but because it's pretty and the roses had many colors. 

"Jungkook?" Jimin says as he looked at the flower before paying attention to Jungkook

" Yeah?"

"I'm wondering, where did you get this flower?" Jungkook looks at the flower and smiled


When Jungkook arrived on Earth, he already knew that he was late and that the party was probably over now. Since he didn't have a gift for Jimin yet, he decided to get him something and give it to him once he returns to Jimin's house. He walked inside a flower shop and took a look at each individual flower with his different colors. Jungkook, not being able to pick one, wanted as much variation of colors he can get. But to buy was the problem.

Where's the money?

Easy question, he didn't have any. "Would you like to pay now?" The cashier woman asked as Jungkook wanted to drop everything and just leave since he didn't have any money.

"Never mind, I don't have any money to pay for it" Jungkook was about the leave the shop but the woman smiled and told him he could just take and don't have to pay

"That's alright. And since you're my last costumer, you don't have to pay" She kept smiling

"really? I can have it?"

"Of course. I saw how eager you wanted it. Is it for you're partner?"

"Yes and thank you"

*End of flashback 

"That was nice of her" Jimin says and Jungkook nodded

Maybe human aren't as bad as they we think they are, they're not as harsh as our ancestors has told us. Maybe vampires and human can reunite and form a family? Just as long as we don't harm one another. But that though is far ahead than my imagination can go.

Right now, all I should worried about is being with the one I love, Jimin and stay by his side and protect him.



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