chapter X

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"I need the bag!" Raven shouted trying to hold Ruby down as she clawed her way across the floor, pinned down by the samurai's massive kinda heavy body (but Raven would never amit that.)

"Raven, maybe she will struggle less if you stop crushing her" Peach commented passing the bird mother the fabric bag "I did my checks, I've looked her over and she's fine, a little sore and angry but that's it" the professor said watching as the samurai stuffed her stepdaughter into a bag and threw said bag over her shoulder.

"I would say it's a pleasure to have her here but it really wasn't, I have seven recked coats because of her" Peach commented making the mother sigh as she heard the small wolf try and claw her way out of the bag, but she really couldn't, I doubt Any one would be able to claw out of a fabric bag unless they had wolverine claws. "Give her these every day" she said passing the woman a load of pills.

"What are "these"?'' She asked, before she shuffled her shoulders "oh quit struggling you'll be out in a second" she snapped at the wriggling bag, which in my opinion is no way to talk to someone in a bag.

""These" are the only thing that I could come up with to stop your demon child from ripping someone's face off"

"Not a demon, if Ruby wasn't a victim to Salem right now she would be a Angel"

"I severely doubt that"

"Well fuck you too" Raven said waving her hand at the doctor as she got into the elevator with a scowling Summer waiting.

"That wasn't very nice Raven" she scolded being passed the large pill bottle as the doors closed on a image of the "mature" professor sticking both her middle fingers up at the samurai.

"No, that wasn't very nice" Raven said motioning to the closed door as they ascended. "Compared to that what I said was a compliment"

"You still should have been the bigger person" Summer said opening the pill bottle and sniffing it, before it was taken off her.

"I am being the bigger person, she's like a half foot smaller then me" Raven retorted capping said pill bottle and tapping her wife's nose "What have I told you about smelling weird drugs shady doctors give us?"

"Not to do it" Summer groaned "that was one time though!"

"And once is enough" she sighed "isn't that right Ruby?" She shouted to the bag she had on her back "Ruby?" She asked quiter as then soft snoring where heard throughout the metal sweat box-err I mean elevator "she's gone to sleep"

"You kinda have been making her run about for the last two and a half hours while you tried to get her into her boots"

"And I can't believe she won" I growled "I can't really blame her from not wanting her boots, she dose hate them like They are the bane of her exsistance"

"They kind of are though..."Summer muttered as Raven rapped her arm around her shoulders pulling her close.

"Mabye she's growing out of her awkward stage and will be a little more open with her heritage" she said trying to cheer up the faunas

"No I just think she's sick of having to use her feet like they are human when they are really not" Summer sighed nuzzing into the samurai's side "mabye we should encourage her to let her feet be seen?"

"We only really hid them because when she was younger we didn't think she would have liked the extra attention" The woman just shrugged rubbing the rose's shoulder "Ruby is a sorta big girl now, she can make the decision for herself, after we give her another crash course on humans"

"And you can do that!" Summer quickly said making Raven sighed as she lost the race to who could push the blame the fastest.

"Did you tell Yang not to tell anyone?" The samurai then realised as the older wolf shook her head "ugh, she's probably gone home and told that girlfriend of hers"

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