chapter XIII: the populous

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"Ruby please I need to get ready" i said as the young pup rolled over my lap trying to grab my makeup brush as I tried to somehow somewhat hide this scar, I love Ruby will all my heart but sometimes she can be a bit annoying.

"But I wanna play" the girl whined " And I don't want you to leave"

"Ruby it will only be for a few hours" I said stroking her back.

" but that's so long~" she complained "I want you to be here with me not in vale giving a crumy speech"

"I don't want to do a crumy speech either but I need to do it "i sighed before rubbing my temples " how about you come with me, you can sit nearby and have..." think Weiss think, the city centre has a lot of shops which one will Ruby like "... some chocolate brownie ice cream from that parlour that you like"

"Ooo" Ruby then said wagging her tail "ok" at that she got off my lap allowing me to retry my attempts to cover this annoying scar, when I failed so badly at one point I made it look like a open wound I gave up rubbed the make-up off and just lightly dusted it before settling that it was enough. Ruby on the otherhand looked at me her hair in tatters her skirt basically just thrown on and she wasn't even wearing shoes! Her little paws in full display.

"Ruby there is no way your going out like that" I said grabbing her and forcing her down onto my desk chair.

"Aww" the girl just pouted letting me brush and stylize her hair, before I looked into my jewlry box and pulled out a hair pin, using the pin to pin back The girl's side fringe a little so it doesn't get in her face, after a little wardrobe change Tail comb and ear pet finally the girl looked presentable, her ears and tail on full display her  clothes just being her normal combat uniform apart from the fact she refuses to wear her boots.

"There we go all better now"i said with a smile as I clipped her ironed claok (curiously of me) onto her shoulders completing her ruggish suited colour coordinated and rather adorable look, the ruby red Jewls making up a snow flake of the SDC crest glistening in the room's artificial light.

"I probably look stupid" Ruby pouted making me laugh as I positioned her cloak symmetrically.

"You look like a goddess" I said kissing her cheek giving her a quick hug before I held out my hand for her to hold. "Now come on the airship is probably waiting"

"Yay!" The girl chirped grabbing hold of my hand with her own much smaller one, making me smile as I lead her to my own personal convoy, almost all of the guards where set on edge by Ruby's presence but a glare from me sent them back to their guarding duties.

"Weiss" the unmistakable sound of my father's voice practically boomed as soon as I sat Ruby down in a chair for take off.

"Yes farther?" I asked looked at him as I wasn't really afride of him doing anything to Ruby, considering he walked up to her and petted her head a little.

"While I do not approve of your actions as heir I trust you to be a good repusentation of the Schnee Dust Company" he lectured still petting Ruby's ears until she shook her head off his hand and instead pulled at my side.

"Of course" I said doing a little bow before I passed Ruby her own scroll.

"Futhermore, I trust you to not ruin our good relations with the rose lineage" he said motioning to the young wolf who was just playing a game on her scroll "for many genarations they have protected out family, I hope you keep this in account when handling the youngest offspring"

"Of course" I agreed rubbing Ruby's shoulder as she was distracted by bright happy colours and cartoonish animals moving over the screen.

"Ah Weiss!" Ruby pouted as she lost the game "You distracted me" she whined pounding her fists against my shoulder.

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