Prinxiety - Remy the Teaser

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Warning: Sexual references, innuendos, just some crude stuff.


Remy yawned tiredly as he poured some captain crunch cereal into a bowl, zoning out so his bowl began to overflow. He would go out to get to some coffee, more specifically Starbucks, but he was currently grounded. Patton caught him still being awake at 3am and went full on dad mode so Remy had to wait for the others to wake up to go Starbucks.

"Uh, Rem?" Remy blinked in surprise, the sides usually were asleep for another hour or so. He looked over the kitchen counter to see Virgil standing in Roman's usual spot. His hair was ruffled to worrying extent and was sticking out in random places. He didn't have any sort of make up on but still had noticeable bags under his eyes. In other words, he looked like he just got out of hell.

"Your cereal..." Remy shifted his eyes to his bowl. There was a giant hill of cereal and there was also a large pile just on the bench beside the bowl. The sight was rather sad. "Oh..." Virgil stifled a laugh but he still let his beautiful smile grace the world. Remy was about to ask why he looked like hot garbage when Virgil began limping toward the kitchen. He grimaced at the pain.

No. Way.

Remy felt a smirk tug at his lips as Virgil reached his side, taking the cereal from his coffee addicted roommate. He groaned as he discovered the box was empty and just some off of Remy's mountain and put it in his bowl. "Virgil, you sly dog~" Virgil's eyes shot up, making eye contact with Remy who had his eyesbrows raised in suggestive manner.

"So Limp~," Virgil's face became a dark crimson and Remy fought back a chuckle, determined to tease his emo 'Brother'. "How'd you open the castle walls?" Virgil was extremely flustered to say the least. He took a deep breath in and out to regain his composure and decided to ingore the question. "Whatever Rem..." Remy frowned before soon smiling again. He still could tease Roman about it.

A short story to apologize for not really fics for a while.

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