(Platonic?) Analogical - Storm.

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Requested by geekybandomtrash.

The request didn't specify if this was romantic so I don't mind wheather you see it as that or platonic.


What Virgil thought would be a relaxing night looking at the stars though a window in the living room turned sour when that storm started. He had completely frozen in place, flinching with rumble of thunder and every strike of lightening. He was practically virbately from how violently he was shaking. He couldn't bring himself to move, much mess get help from the others. He could just wait out his panic attack.

The storm had woken him up from his sleep. He couldn't get back to sleep for the life of him. So, since it was only about two hours before he normally got up, he decided to simply read a science textbook until then. However he had gotten rather hungry so he decided he'd get some crofters from downstairs in the kitchen. Leaving his room as quietly as he could, he crept down the stairs.

While walking through living room, he heard some sharp, heavy breathing from underneath a purple blanket. It sounded very panicked. He raised an eyebrow mostly to himself. Who else would be up at four in the morning? It didn't take much deduction to figure out who it was, especially with the colour of the blanket. He cautiously approached from the side.

"Virgil? Is that you? Are you ok?" He asked, being sure to keep his voice as quiet and gentle as he could, as to not startle the anxious trait. The blanket stilled before shifting, still shaking. Logan took that as a no. He walked over to where he was before kneeling in front of him, gently taking the corners of the soft farbic in his hands. "I'm going to pull the blanket away from your face, ok?"

There was a pause, then a slight movement up and down which Logan could only assume was a nod of confirmation that it was ok. He pulled the blanket away from Virgil's face, leaving it settled around his shoulders. Virgil gave a little sniffle, still shaking. Logan caught on to what was going on. "You're having a panic attack, aren't you?" Virgil shakily nodded, curling in on himself.

While Logan's expression remained neutral, his lavender blue eyes looked at him with sympathy he wasn't used to seeing from the stoic side. "Can I touch you? I want to help." He asked gently, knowing if he did much without asking, it may make his panic attack worse. Virgil nodded. Logan took Virgil's hand in his own, guiding it to his heart. "I want you to try match your breathing with mine, ok?"

Virgil tried to do what he asked, occasionally choking on his breath and going back into panic mode but Logan coaxed him into trying again. He was patient and quiet, just being there for support. Eventually Virgil calmed down, breathing evenly once again. Still they both sat there without a word exchanged. After a while, Logan stood up from the floor.

Virgil immediately looked up at him, a hurt expression on his face. The last thing he wanted was to be left alone what with the storm still raging on outside. "Come on, I'll take you to your room. It's been a long night." Logan spoke kindly. Bending down, Logan picked him up into a piggyback, Virgil quickly clinging tightly to his back. He carried Virgil upstairs and into his room, gently placing him down on his bed.

He tucked the other in, Virgil snuggling subconsciously into the covers making Logan let out a rare chuckle. He hesistated for a moment before placing a soft, motherly kiss to his forehead. Virgil smiled in his sleep. Logan left the room quietly, closing the door as silently as he could in fear of waking the poor thing. He smiled softly to himself. Maybe he was better with emotions then he thought.


634 words.

This is actually really sweet

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