Logicality - Passionate kiss

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Warnings: Bad ending, blood, hospitals and assault. Happy thoughts!


The image was seemed permanently engraved in Logan's cranium. The image of Patton's body lying completely still on the cold concrete alley way.

His clothes ripped from the knife slashes, his hair unkempt, his glasses cracked next to him and his gray, lifeless eyes. Most notably, the blood oozing from the cheerful man's torso and dripping though the cracks of the mental drain.

"L-logie?" Patton raised his head off the ground, reaching towards the man at the other side of the city alley before his face contorted into pain. His head fell back onto the hard, a deafening sound echoing of smashing echoed though the hall of bricks.

Logan had witnessed the violent assault of his best friend, his only friend. He was right at the crime scene and he did nothing. He heard the scream, he ran in and saw the sicko with his knife in Patton's back.
He took no action, he watched the rest of attack, not interfering.

He couldn't. He couldn't think. He couldn't move.

And as his punishment was witnessing the Aftermath. The sight was traumatic and had been engrained in his memory.

Logan felt disgusted with himself. For not being strong enough to save the most important person in his life.

"Luckily, the cuts didn't reach any vital organs but he lost a lot of blood. We will need to inject him in the arm with some of his blood type. You said he was type B, yes?" Logan hated how the nurse used 'was'. Patton is alive, not was alive. She literally just said so herself!

Logan sighed, simply nodding. As the nurse adjusted the position the robotic bed structure was put in for the eighth time, Logan pulled out his phone and went to his messages.


Me and Roman are
coming now.           

Sent 20 minutes ago.

What's taking them so long? It ticked  Logan off that they seemed to be taking their time even though he knew that they were going as fast as they could.

The nurse's began giving him her condolences but they soon became static as Logan felt his eyes begin to water. He fought the salty tears that were threatening to steam down his cheeks. It didn't seem real. It couldn't real.

"I must attend to my duties, use the communicator" She pointed to a phone on the wall, giving it a fancy title. "If he wakes up." When, Logan mentally corrected. When he wakes up. He weakly nodded again as the woman left the now silent hospital room.

The walls felt like they were closing in slowly and every inch they moved, more breath was sucked out of his lungs. Logan stood up from the cheap plastic chair and opened one of the windows. He took a breath of the fresh air before turning around.

His gaze was immediately meet with the heart monitor. Before Patton's breathing had been irregular but thanks to the open window, it was becoming normal. After about what felt hours but what was probably 10 minutes, Logan heard a weak voice.

"L-logie..." Logan felt his heart break into pieces because of the perfectly repeated dialogue from when Patton saw Logan in the alley. The tears began to fall from Logan's eyes as he rushed to Patton's side. "Logan? What's wrong?"

Patton reached to cup Logan's face in his hands. "Please stop crying..." Logan didn't, simply laughing as the tears fell down his face. Patton smiled and pulled Logan's face closer so their noses were touching. "Aw, you were worried about me~"

Logan's face flushed as Patton suddenly pulled him into a kiss. He wasn't complaining however as Patton pulled him up onto the bed so he was on top of the surprisingly quickly recovering man.

All was blissful as they kissed passionately without a care in the world. Well, that was until the nurse came in. They had a lot of explaining to do.


656 words.

I don't know how blood works lol. The ending was rushed... again but at this point I don't care. Hopefully, tomorrow's will be better

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