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We're down to the last subject before dismissal which is Philosophy.

Ms. Meen walks in front of the class and greets us.

"Good afternoon, class. Are you ready for today's topic?"

I can hear some groans from my classmates. I can't blame them because this subject is so nerve-wracking, it seems like there are no right or wrong answers.

"Today, we're gonna talk about love!" she says and the groans become cheers. "See? I know you'll like it."

I look at Minho and he seems bored, as always. We've gotten pretty well acquainted so it's not awkward to just randomly talk in classes.

"What do you think about the topic?" I whisper.

"Nonsense," he says and yawns a little.

I involuntarily yawn too and he caught me before I get to cover my mouth.

"Copycat," he says.

"I couldn't help it."

He smirks. "You enjoy staring at me, don't you?"


"If you say so. But as I said, a picture lasts longer."

"I-I said I wasn't-"

"Yes, Y/n?" Ms. Meen looks at me. "Do you have questions?"

My voice must have been a little too loud for a whisper because half of the class turned to our direction. My whole face heats up in embarrassment and I immediately shake my head.

"No, ma'am."

Her attention went back to the whole class but I can still feel the mortified blush on my cheeks.

Minho is biting his lower lip with a very amused expression. I subtly glare at him and slightly kick his foot underneath.


"Yes, Minho. You have anything to share with us?" Ms. Meen asks.

Everyone turns their head towards us once again and it's my time to stifle my laughter.

"Nothing," he says with a straight face that made our classmates look away.

The class resumes after that.

"I didn't know you're jumpy." I giggle.

He glares at me. "Why don't I try stomping on your feet and let's see if you'd react differently?"

I shake my head profusely and move my feet sideways, and the side of Minho's lips quirk up as he shakes his head.


I offer him a milk flavoured candy and he scoffs but takes it anyway.

Ms. Meen claps her hands to get everyone's attention.

"I just remembered, I'm gonna give you a project," she says. "I will group you into three. Your project will be a video featuring love and it's all up to you on how to make it. I will not give restrictions, you can do anything that you want as long as you don't stray out of the topic and include our past lessons on human behaviour affected by certain emotions which in this case is love. I'll give you three months to finish it. No questions? Okay, let's move on to the groupings."

There's 18 students in this room so that'll be six groups. I hope I'll be paired with the responsible ones, I don't want my grade to be like that History reporting again.

"Group 1: Felix, Seungmin, Donghyuck."

"Group 2: Jeno, Renjun, Jaemin."

Soon enough, five groups were already called and those who didn't help me with the History reporting before are all together. I don't wish them misery, I just hope they learn to take responsibility for their own grades this time.

"Group 6: Jisung, Y/n, Minho."

Ms. Meen distributes the guidelines and smiles at all of us. "I hope you all enjoy this project and who knows? Maybe you'll achieve not only good grades but so much more than that. That's it for today, class is dismissed."

I look at my seatmate with a big grin. "We're group mates!"

"Obviously." He rolls his eyes.

"Noona!" Jisung approaches us. "You and me, we're partners! We should start immediately before schoolwork starts to pile up."

"Yes, of course!" I nod in agreement and turn to Minho. "What should we do?"

He just shrugs with a blank expression as he looks at Jisung and me.

"Oh yeah, with Minho..." Jisung trails off. "Why don't we meet at the Han River Park tomorrow after class?"

"Fine with me," Minho says.

"Alright, but I can't stay out too late."

Jisung tugs on my bag. "Why don't we go together and I'll tell your mum for you? You know, your parents like me."

I think for a while and nod eventually. "That's true."

"See? Let's go." Jisung smirks.

I look at Minho and wave a little. "See you tomorrow!"

Minho just nods curtly and walks the other way.

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