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The wind messes Minho's blue hair softly as he walks towards me. My heart is hammering so hard as I look at his smile.

This is bad.

Ever since I figured out my little crush on him, my heartbeat has never been silent again whenever he's around.

"What, speechless?" He flicks my forehead.

I shake my head as I blush profusely. "Is this why you were absent earlier?"


"Well, you look so good!"


I nod as I get on my feet, reaching up to feel a few strands. He shakes his head and moves closer so I can reach better.

"This is so cool!"

"Cooler than Chan's?"

I nod and pat his hair gently, giggling a little because it still feel a little damp. He suddenly looks away and clears his throat, straightening back up.

"So, how was it without me?" he asks.

"I was waiting for you, you could've told me you weren't going to class." I pout.

"Didn't your neighbour keep you entertained?"

"Well, we ate lunch together and talked about... things." I blush harder as I remember my conversation with Jisung.

Minho's lips form into a line. "Did he... tell you anything?"

I nod proudly. "He said he likes the keychain I made for him!"


"He said it's perfect! Maybe he's just being the nice little brother that he is that's why he said that, but my confidence in my art skills increased," I joke.

"Oh..." The sides of his lips slowly rise. "Well, that's his choice then."


"Nothing." He shakes his head, looking oddly happy.

"Oh yeah." I walk a few distance away from him and spread my arms out so he can check if my outfit is comfortable enough. "How do I look? We're even matching." I tease as I point to his hair.

"Pretty," he says, then his eyes widen a little. "Pretty comfortable, yeah, it looks that way to me."

He's not even complimenting me, yet his simple affirmation is enough to make my tummy somersault.

This is really bad.

He takes my hand and pulls me beside him. "Are you ready?"

"Since yesterday!"

"Wear this first, it'll be cold on the way." He puts his black leather jacket on me.

"Now I'm ready!"

Minho smirks. "Let's go to my favourite place."

He is not Minho if he doesn't pull me. I'm not complaining though because I'll always let him take me to places that'll be special as long as we're together.

Not here though.

"The parking lot?"

"No, you dummy." He holds my shoulders and turns me around.

"Minho..." I gape when we stopped in front of a flawless black motorbike.

He laughs at me and shoved a matching black helmet onto my head.

"Your head is so big," I complain as the helmet blocks my vision. He adjusts the strap as he holds my chin to keep my face from moving.

"You don't know that." Minho quirks his brow.

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