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After getting something from the clinic, I went straight to the rooftop. I was ten minutes later than usual because I figured that Minho won't go there if he saw me.

When I got there, I saw my guess was right. There's Minho with his eyes closed, sitting on the floor whilst leaning on the wall. I contemplate for a second, but I eventually skip towards him as I hold the things I got. When I got beside him, I gently put the paper bag on his lap.

I decided to go with Felix's suggestion about giving him something, but it's not foods. It's just a couple of medical supplies because I noticed the bruises on his knuckles when we were in class earlier. He must've gotten it from punching those thugs.

Just as I stood up, I saw Minho slightly opening his eyes.

"O-Oh, I thought you were sleeping..."

"What do you want?" He groans.

"I just want to give you something." I point to the paper-bag. "Your knuckles weren't healed yet so I dropped by the clinic to get some meds."

He looks at it then back at me with a puzzled look.

"Don't throw that away, alright? It wasn't easy getting those, the nurse asked me so many questions."

He stands up and looks at me with a straight face. "What the hell are you doing?"

"What do you mean?"

"Are you blind or just stupid?"

I feel a pang in my chest because of his words. "Why... Why are you saying that?"

"Was I not clear enough when I told you that I don't want friends? What are you here for anyway? You're just one of those people who keep judging others like it's their job and those that comes to you because they want something." He laughs dryly.

"I'm sorry. I know it wasn't right to avoid you just because I was nervous, but I'm telling the truth."

He just raised an eyebrow at me.

"Can't I just genuinely want to be your friend?"

"That's bullshit." He scoffs. "I don't want you to be my friend so stop pestering the hell out of me."

I bite my lower lip as I feel the corner of my eyes turn hot and moist. Minho's frown is gone and his lips parted as his eyes widen a little.

"I-If you say so," I say and hurriedly turn around and walk away before I could cry in front of him.

I wipe my eyes as I climb down the stairs, trying to calm myself before anyone can see me looking like a reindeer because of my flushed nose.

I sigh when I reached our classroom. I went straight to my desk and look at the one beside me sullenly. I forgot that he's my seatmate for a moment. Now we'll have to endure sitting awkwardly beside each other for the rest of the school year.

I guess I was too annoying and pushy. Maybe being friends with him is a bad idea after all... but I never wanted something so bad in my whole life.

What is wrong with me?

I wanted to hit my face on my desk to wake myself up from my nonsense but a hand shields my forehead from it.

"Woah! Are you okay?" He flips his hand on my forehead to check the temperature. "Do you feel sick?"

"I'm fine, Han."

He crouches down beside me with a look of concern. "You weren't there at lunch yesterday and today. Did you... go back to where you've been staying at?"

"Just briefly, but it's not the same anymore..." I blink repeatedly to stop my eyes from dampening.

"What's the problem, Y/n? You can tell me." He smiles.

"I really don't want to talk about it. I just feel... sad."

"Oh..." He pouts.

Jisung was quiet for a while as he fidget with his fingers in front of me.

"Do you, uh, maybe want to go out with me after class?"

"What for?"

"You know, do the essays... and stuff."

"What about your friends?"

He laughs. "They don't need me. Seungmin would be very happy to get rid of my freeloading butt."

I giggle at his words. "Alright then."

"Cool! See you later, noona."

"Thank you, Han."

"My pleasure." He scratches his nape as he walks back to his desk.

A few seconds before the class starts, my seatmate enters. We held eye contact momentarily, but we eventually look away and didn't utter any words. I know that we weren't close in the first place, but I feel like the gap between us widened even more.

Is Minho really worth it?

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