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My stomach grumbles as I walk out of our classroom. I smack my head as I regret the decisions I've made in life.

Why did I run away earlier?

I smack my forehead once more when I remembered my foolishness.

"G'day mate! We're back- oh, who is she?"

Oh no.

I immediately hide behind Minho.

"Shit," Minho mutters. "What are you doing here?" He asks the two men standing in front of us.

I guess their names are Chris and Changbin.

I peek from Minho's back and immediately retreat when I see the men in black looking at me too. My heartbeat quickens and I can almost hear it thudding.

Why am I like this? They're Minho's friends, so they're not gangsters like what the rumours say... but I still feel so nervous.

"Oh, I see. Is she the girl?" the blond one asks while the shorter boy just smirks.

I can't take the awkward atmosphere anymore so I let go of Minho's hand and walks back.

"Hey... I'll go now. See y-you in class!" I didn't wait for his reply and I hurriedly fly out of the rooftop.

I know they're not bad people because they're Minho's friends, but they still make me feel so nervous. Their auras are just so intimidating, especially with their all-black outfits.

Stupid me! They might not approve of me as a candidate to be Minho's friend now.

What have I done?

Minho ends up not going to class so I had to endure the rest of the afternoon class overthinking. It feels weird not having a seatmate because I got so used to his presence beside me.

As I was walking, I spot Felix and Seungmin sitting on the bench. Felix saw me and waves.

"Oi, Y/n!"

"Hello, Felix!" I wave back and didn't bother greeting Seungmin to not disturb him because he has his earphones on and is reading a book.

"Come here." He scoots closer to Seungmin and pats the space next to him excitedly.

"Oh, alright." I giggle at his enthusiasm. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing serious, I'm just saving some memes." He shows me his phone. "What's serious is what I'm about to tell you. Guess what?"


"We're friends now! Isn't that great?" He smiles brightly.

"Really?" I point to myself. "Y-You want m-me as your friend?"

"Of course! Who wouldn't want a soft girl like you as their friend, right Seungmin?"

"Huh?" Seungmin looks confused when Felix nudges him.

"I said Y/n is our friend now."

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