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Minho's POV

"What's with that frown?"


I glare at Chan when he snatches my phone to look at whatever I'm doing. He wheezes upon seeing it and shows Changbin.

The shorter boy laughs in disbelief after reading what I was typing out. "What's with this rookie-ass message? Have you never texted Y/n before?"

"We don't have to, we're always together."

"And the first thing you'd send her is 'did I do something wrong?' Inexperienced as fvck."

"Really? Coming from you?" I roll my eyes at Chan. As if he knows better.

"Did you two fight again?" He sighs.

"No. It's just... never mind."

"Come on. You know your relationship won't survive without us," Changbin prods.

I almost laugh at their excited faces. Nosy butts.

"We were just talking last time and I don't know if I said something wrong, but her mood noticeably went down. I'm... I'm just confused."

The truth is, I'm really bothered. She looked a little sad and I don't like it. I don't like making her feel that way, but I always end up doing so. I'd suck as a boyfriend.

"What were you talking about?"

I had no choice but to fill them in with the gossip that they desperately need. They look at me dumbfounded, with Chan gasping for the dramatic effect.

"You told her that?"


"You compared them, you wouldn't even assure her, then you'd go and say you miss Sunny to her face?" Changbin scoffs. "Man, at this point she should've slapped the hell out of you."

"I was just reminiscing."

"You suck, dude. It's obvious that she'd get jealous when you talk about Sunny like that."

"But it doesn't mean anything else."

"People's logic get clouded when their feelings are involved. That goes for both of you," Chan lectures me. "You're lucky she's still putting up with your bullshit."

I mentally curse myself. I should really stop with these thoughts before we get into a fight again.

"We should settle this gang problem ASAP so you can give Y/n your whole attention," Changbin says.

"Yeah. It's just that I can't shake this weird feeling whenever Y/n and Sunny are mentioned together..."

Chan's eyes seem to light up for a second, as if he thought of something I won't like, but he's quick to hide it. I eye him suspiciously but he just shrugs.

"I'll go to Y/n now. Just inform me if there's anything else I need to know," I say as I head out of Chan's flat.

I thought I was finally in peace but then the guys came trailing behind me.

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