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Minho's POV

I glare at the two nuisances in front of me.

"Why the hell are you here?"

"To help you, of course!" Chan replies with a taunting grin.

"I just got dragged here," Changbin says and yawns.

"Help?" I scoff. "What kind of help do we need from you?"

"Aren't you making a project about love? That's what I'm here for." Chan points to himself. "I'm the expert."

"We don't need an advice from a guy who's been single all his life."

"Damn, that's harsh!" Changbin wheezes.

"Too bad, she's already here." Chan smirks.

I mutter curses under my breath when I see Y/n running towards us. She stops in front of me and tries to catch her breath before speaking.

"I'm sorry I'm late! I had to put my baby cousin to sleep first," she says.

"Speaking of babies, hello baby girl!" Chan greets her and I couldn't stop myself from rolling my eyes.

"Hi, Chan and Changbin," Y/n greets the two and smiles at them shyly. "Minho."

I frown. What is this? She greeted them first and then there's no hi for me?

I just nod to acknowledge her presence. Y/n sits beside me and she takes out a pastel blue notebook with small cat prints from her floral tote bag. I bite my lower lip before I could react. Even her stuff are soft like her.

"What are you two doing here?" she asks curiously.

"We heard your neighbour won't be present so we're here to help." Chan smiles suspiciously.

"Neighbour? Oh, you mean Jisung!" She pouts. "Yes, he's a bit sick."

I scoff. What is she pouting for when I'm here?

"So the neighbour has a name all this time." Chan shakes his head with a grin. "Anyway, we're here to help."

"Are you sure? I don't want to be a bother..."

"I don't have a choice, do I?" Changbin yawns.

"Oh..." Y/n looks down.

I look at Changbin and glare at him. He just seems to realise how wrong he sounded and so he shakes his head furiously.

"Hey, no- I didn't mean it like that!" He waves his hand defensively. "You see, I just woke up so I'm still out of it. I'm not like Chan-hyung who can still function even without sleeping for three days!"

I sigh when she finally smiles. "It's alright, I understand."

"Why don't we go now?" Chan suggests.

"Okay! Are we taking the bus?" Y/n asks.

"Nope!" Chan chuckles. "We'll use Changbin's car."

"He has a car?" Y/n's eyes widen. "But he's just in high school, right? Won't he get in trouble?"

"More money, more trouble."

She looks at me skeptically and I can't help smirking. I shake my head to assure that we'll be fine and grab her hand to pull her with us.

We all walk towards the parking lot and stop in front of a black sports car.

"Of course it's black," she murmurs.

The car was supposed to be a four-seater but there's a pile of music equipment beside me as Chan takes the shotgun while Changbin is on the driver's seat.

"Can we move these a bit-"

"No!" Chan gasps loudly when she was about to push the equipment to the floor. "I'm sorry, babygirl, but those are really important. We can't afford to break them. Right, Changbin?"

"We can't? Oh yeah!" Changbin shudders animatedly. "My parents will be mad."

"Where am I going to sit then?" Y/n looks at me innocently.

"You can sit on my lap."

"What the fvck?!" I almost shouted at Chan. I knew he was planning something!

"Where else will she sit then?" He smirks at me and I had to contain myself from wiping that off his face.

"Where else will she sit?" I glare at him. I put my seatbelt on and pull Y/n on my lap, securing my arms on her waist. "Nowhere near you."


I was pulled out from my murderous thoughts when I heard Y/n speak. That's when I realised what I've done. I look at the blond nuisance and I see that he still has his smirk on but this time, he looks like he won.

That was a trap and I fell for it.


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