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"Is that a couple bracelet- oof!" Changbin doubles over as Chan nudges him on his stomach.

"Don't ruin the moment," Chan says through his teeth as he smiles sheepishly.

We're currently strolling around the park after class because Changbin insisted that he wants to treat us for a snack when he found out that I almost got hit by a ginormous pot.

"It's a sign that we should hangout more often. Who knows if it'll be the last time," Changbin says darkly.

Although he was a bit morbid, I'm glad that they see me as a friend over the short period of time that we've known each other. They've been the kindest to me and I can't believe that I'll say it, but I'm happy that Mr. Ho made me clean his hateful desk.

"Should we go to that Sky Lounge, was it? I heard their drinks are- what's your problem?!" Changbin hisses at Minho who hit him at the back of his head.

"Nothing," he says.

"Did you forget your fake ID?" Chan asks. "We won't need that, the owner knows me so she'll let the three of you in."

"No," Minho replies.

Changbin looks at him confusedly. "Dude, stop being vague."

"We can't." Minho glances at me briefly.

Chan and Changbin looks at each other in silence for a bit before bursting into laughter. Minho just rolls his eyes whilst I look at the three of them in confusion.

"Oh, I get it." The smaller guy chuckles.

"I didn't peg you for being the protective type." Chan snickers.

Minho's ears turned a little red and I forced myself not to smile because he looks adorable. My eyes widen a little and I bite my bottom lip hard because of my weird thoughts.

"I don't feel like drinking," he defends.

"I've never been to a lounge before but it's fine if Changbin really wants-"

"No," he says with conviction and pulls me to his side.

"Easy there, mate!" Chan butts in. "Why don't we go with her choice then?"

"I'm the one who's paying but I don't get to choose? Tough life." Changbin sighs.

"No one asked," Minho says as he rolls his eyes.

What would I do without this sassy guy?


"Welcome to Mochi Cafe- hello, Y/n!"

"Hello, Hyunjin!" I wave at him.

"What are you doing here with your... friends," he says as his eyes travel to Chan, Changbin, and of course Minho.

"Is there a problem?" Changbin asks.

"N-No! Of course there isn't," Hyunjin says and I can sense that he's slightly tensed. I can't blame him because I had the same reaction when I first met the guys.

"Good, can we order now? I'm famished." Chan's stomach did a low growl.

"Alright, what are your orders?" Hyunjin turns to me and shows his eye-smile. "I already know yours but would you like to add more?"

Minho clears his throat before ordering. "Actually, we'll have everything on the menu. Two of each," he says before turning on his heels and going inside, leaving us all dumbfounded.

"My allowance..." Changbin smiles in pain before offering his beloved card.

I smile apologetically before following Minho to the other room where the cats are, leaving a shocked Hyunjin to prepare the orders.

When we entered, I was surprised when I spotted Felix and Seungmin playing with and taking pictures of the cats. I scan the whole room and my smile appeared as I run towards him.


"Waaah! Y/n!"

Jisung opens his arms as he welcomes me. I accept it and high-five him which resulted in laughter from Felix and Seungmin.

"Can I have a high-five too, NOONA?" Felix looks at Jisung and smiles teasingly.

"Count me in, NOONA." Seungmin joins which is surprising because he's usually quiet.

"Oh, you all want high-fives?" I chuckle. "Alright then."

After a few minutes, their orders arrive.

"I saw that," Hyunjin wheezes and his eyes almost disappeared. "I want a high-five too even if you're not my NOONA."

"Ugh, shut up!" Jisung whines with really red ears.

I smile at all of them. "You guys don't have to call me noona, you know? We're all just weeks and months apart."

"Yeah, don't call her that." Jisung frowns as the the other three snickers.

As if I couldn't get any happier, a call registers in my phone and I immediately accept it, my baby cousin's face flooding the screen as he greets me with an adorable pout.

[ "Noona!" He sniffles. ]

"Hello, Innie! What's wrong?"

[ "The spidey is back!" He wails. ]

His mother comes into view and explains that they had a bring your pet day earlier and his classmate brought the daddy long-legs again. Jeongin had another nightmare from it and wanted to see me. I chuckle and try to comfort the baby, sighing as he finally believes that the stickman spidey would never get anywhere near us.

Suddenly, I notice four curious heads peaking from the corners of my screen and when I turn around, Hyunjin, Jisung, Felix, and Seungmin all look away with slightly coral-tinge cheeks.

"Oh, sorry." I scratch my nape sheepishly. "Guys, this is my baby cousin Jeongin. Innie, these are my friends."

I pan the camera so he'll be able to see the five of us in the frame. Jeongin stares at them for a moment and then huffs.

"Oh my god, he looks like a bread," Hyunjin coos.

"Can you say mama? Come on, ma-ma." Felix follows as he snatches the phone from my hand.

Seungmin sighs. "A five-year-old knows how to say that, obviously."

Jisung waves. "It's me! You remember me, right?"

I look at the whole room surrounded by the people I like and smile for the umpteenth time. Thanks for making me clean your desk again, Mr. Ho.

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