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I woke up due to the sun rays hitting my face. I frown because I thought I closed the blinds before going to bed last night, then I remembered sharing a room with a little kid. Jeongin must've played around.

I reached my phone and unlock it, checking if there's something important which there isn't much. I sit up and start stretching my arms while yawning. It's Sunday and that means we're going to the church.

My eyes suddenly widen upon realising something. I look around the room only to find it suspiciously empty.

Where's Jeongin and why is my cat not here?

Just then, I hear my mother scream the loudest she ever did.


Oh no.

I immediately throw myself out of the bed and almost dive down the stairs. I was panting when I reached the living room where I saw Jeongin petting Dori while watching Peppa Pig.

"Gud morning, noona," he says while grinning innocently.

How could the devil look so much like an angel when he smiles at you?

I look at his side in horror where my mother sits with her folded arms and one of her eyebrows raised.

"Mum... I can explain!"

"How many times have I told you that no pets are allowed in this house?!"

"But look at him! Isn't he cute- fine, I'm sorry!" I try to dodge the slipper that she threw at me.

There's a knock at the door and I immediately open it.

"Han!" I hide behind him.

"Well, good morning too." He laughs. "What's happening here?"

"Mum is about to murder me."

"Huh? What for?" Jisung asks.

"She brought a cat home without telling me. She can't even look after herself and now she wants a pet?" She looks at me sternly and shakes her head.

"I can take care of Dori! Why don't you trust me?"

"Did you even think of buying cat foods?"

My mouth fell when I realised that I totally forgot about that. I was too excited to take him home that I couldn't think of anything else and only bought one day's worth of food for Dori.

"Hehe." I scratch my neck whilst looking at my mum apologetically.

"See? He was starving, good thing Jeongin brought him down here."

I look at Jeongin who's cuddling with the cat. I take back what I said earlier, he's a pure angel.

"I can go with her to the store later to buy stuff for the cat." Jisung smiles at my mum.

"Thank you, dear. What would my daughter do without you?" My mum pats his shoulder and goes to the kitchen to feed my baby cousin.

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