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Minho's POV

"Let's Netflix and Chill at my house."

"What?" I blink repeatedly.

"My account will go to waste if I won't use it," she tells me and I couldn't help my glare.

"Don't ever tell that to anyone else," I say and pinch her cheeks in frustration. "Do you live in a cave, huh? You should know what those terms mean in this day and age."

This girl is so painfully clueless. I gently tap on her cheeks to alleviate the redness from me pinching on them. If only she isn't so adorable.

"Chan suggested it to me though? He said we'd enjoy it very much."

That old man. He's wrong in thinking I'd let him corrupt Y/n before I do.

I couldn't help my smirk as I look at her expectant face looking up at me. She doesn't even know what she's getting herself into.

"Let's do it next time. You better be ready because I won't hold back."

"It's fine, I'll let you be in charge!"

I suppress a grin. Oh, Y/n. She'll be the death of me.

My naïve girl.


Chan barges into the door as I finish compiling all the documents that contain informations about a certain person.

"Where's Bin?"

"He's still trying to sneak out from that dinner with their business partner. Daddy and Mummy are keeping a close look." Chan snickers. "How come you never let us in here when we've been friends for years? Oh, is it because we aren't Y/n?"

Chan looks smug as he grins at me. He's not wrong, but I'll never say that directly because I won't hear the end of it from these guys.

He got himself comfortable as we wait for Changbin to arrive. Sometimes I pity that boy. He's still a baby, but his parents are already bombarding him with those business shenanigans when all he wants is to make music. No wonder he always looks so dark.

I'm glad my parents aren't forcing me into anything. They're only forcing me to introduce Y/n to them. I kind of talked about her when I went to visit Gimpo last time.

"I finally got away from those suck-ups!" Speaking of the dark lord in his black suit, he entered and went straight to my fridge. He rummages through it and finally settles for a bottle of water. "Where did those beers and soju go? Why is it full of milk in here?" He frowns as he chugs his water.

"Minho is a milky guy," Chan says.

I just shrug. There's no way I'm telling them that Y/n loves milk and there's also no way that I'm letting her near any liquor if ever she decides to stop by. She can barely handle spicy food, I doubt she'd like spicy liquid too.

"So what's it that you want to say?" Changbin asks when everyone's already seated.

"It's about Y/n-"

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