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It's the last subject before lunch break. Ten minutes already passed but the teacher's still not here.

I cover my mouth as I yawn. Jeongin had so much sweets yesterday, he was so hyper. I couldn't sleep because he kept playing around and screaming like a dolphin. It's fine as long as he's happy, I just wish he could've let me sleep in peace.

Beside me, Minho also yawn shamelessly without covering his mouth. I bet he did some stuff with the guys again.


"Hmm?" He turns to me while blinking repeatedly.

"I'm bored."


"Let's do something exciting!" I shake his arm.

"What do you want to do? I just want some sleep." He rolls his eyes at me.

I sigh as I face the board again. I put my chin on my palm as I stare at the ticking clock impatiently. When is the teacher coming?

A few seconds passed, I felt a tug on the hem of my shirt. I look beside me and see Minho with a devilish smirk plastered on his face.

"Didn't you say you wanted to do something exciting?"

"Um, yes?"

"I thought of something-"

"It's not against the rules, right?"

"No, we're just going to sneak out."

"What?! That is against the rules!" I shake my head profusely.

"I thought you're a risk-taker now?" He raises his brow at me. "Once you start, there's no quitting."

"I barely survived my mum's lecture on how to be a responsible pet owner. Did you know that I'm grounded so I can't use my phone? Now I have to wait for a week so I can listen to Day6 again."

"You're no fun. Come on, we won't get caught!" He slings his bag on his shoulder and grabs mine, and then he pulls me towards the door without even asking if I'm in or not.

"If we get caught it'll taint our school record!"

"Loosen up. Live your life a bit, school's not everything!" He laughs at me.

"We can't exit through the gate, the guards will see us!"

"Who says we'll take the gates?"

"The back door then?"

Minho pulls me towards a part of the school where I've never been to before. We stop near a tree beside the wall.



I look at him in horror. Is he expecting me to climb the tree to get to the wall? I can't even reach the lowest branch!

"I've never done anything like this before!"

"I figured that's why I'm going first and I'm gonna pull you up, okay?"

"I thought you're afraid of-" I immediately cover my mouth before I could ruin our friendship.

"Tsk." He rolls his eyes. "This one isn't that high so I'll be fine. Ready?"

"Just... don't drop me."

"I won't." Minho smiles at me reassuringly.

I sigh deeply before nodding.

Minho finally climbs the tree with both of our bags slinging on his shoulder, then he grabs my hand and pulls me up effortlessly. How is he so strong?

"See? That was quick. Now, I'm going down first."

"What about me?" I grab his arm before he could go.

"You're going to jump down too, of course."


He laughs at me and finally jumps down. Why is he so cool about this when I'm totally freaking out? I take deep breaths before looking down. It's not that high but still!

"Come on, jump!"

"I'm scared and I'm wearing a skirt!"

"I already saw everything so just do it."

"H-Huh?" My face heats up as I hold down my uniform.

Minho laughs at me again before throwing his blazer at my face.

"Use that."

I pout before tying it on my waist. I take a deep breath again as I look at Minho worriedly. He smiles at me as he opens his arms widely.

"I won't let you fall, silly. I will catch you."

I feel my heartbeat quickens as I stare at his smiling face. There's this weird sensation in my tummy that I can't comprehend... but it surprisingly feels nice.

I haven't felt like this in a while. The first time I felt the weird tummy sensation that isn't a stomach ache was at my old school in 8th grade, and it's over a boy who always walked by the school garden where I used to stay at every lunch. We never really crossed paths again so I eventually forgot about it. The second time I felt it was when I was just new to the city and it's over a boy who's so kind, touring me around the school so I wouldn't get lost. It gradually calmed down as time went by since I was really shy and he was just being nice. Now I am looking at the third person who managed to make me feel it, but so much better... so much more enchanting.

I shake my head to get back to my senses and look at Minho who's waiting for me to jump with an amused smile.

I hope he keeps his words because I might do it...

I might fall for him.


Remember that sneaking out is only cool when SKZ do it. Stay in school, Stay!

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