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Minho's POV

"Did... Did we hear that right?" Changbin looks shocked. "She has a boyfriend?"


"Then who is that and why is she calling him Hon?" Chan asks me.

"That's her neighbour and it's not Hon, it's Han Jisung."

I don't know if I'm supposed to laugh at them for mishearing or not because I didn't like the sound of it either.

"Oh! That's why they seem... close," Changbin observes.

"If Y/n's an ice cream she's probably melted by your stare." Chan points out. "Not a problem though, you'll just have to lick it clean."

What the actual fvck.

"Do you like Y/n or are you just messing with me? Because you need Jesus."

"If looks could kill I'd be dead- fine I'll stop!" Chan catches the fork that I threw at him. "Geez, I'm just kidding! Y/n is all yours."

I suppress a smile at the thought of it.

"I never said she's mine."

"You don't have to, your glare shows it all." Chan sighs. "It hurts to be glared at, you know? That's why I stopped calling her babygirl."

"As you should," Changbin approves. "You're such a creep, that's why you're a single-since-birth."

Changbin and I high-five and now it's Chan's turn to glare at us.

"Really though," Changbin turns to me this time. "Your glares are so cold, it really does hurt the average people."

I shrug because maybe it's just my face acting up. People always say that I look scary unintentionally.

"Is that a bad thing?"

"Not entirely, but you know what's bad? It's you not making any move to make your jealousy valid."

"It's not like that-"

"Then what do you call that?" Chan points to where I am looking at. "You're scowling at them for nothing?"

I scoff and stop looking at Y/n who's now talking to her neighbour, the cashier, and our two classmates. She's giving them the string keychain she's been making for the past few days because she ran out of materials to make it long enough as a bracelet. Serve them right. I thought I was the only one she's giving a gift to but there's also those loud friends she has.

"I was just looking."

Changbin shakes his head. "You know what? Ever since you've met Y/n, you're noticeably more expressive. It's like the darkness around you subsided a bit."

"Yeah." Chan clapped his hands as if to agree. "We thought you'd never smile again after-" He stops abruptly as I look at him blankly.

I gaze at their table once again and see her laughing with Jisung while Felix and Seungmin are playing with the cats. I press my lips to a thin line as I try to suppress whatever these weird things I am feeling.

I don't want to involve her in the messy parts of my life... but I want to be part of hers.

"Hey, sorry for spoiling the mood." Chan smiles apologetically. "I just really liked how you're starting to be yourself again because of Y/n."

"No, it's fine..." I sigh.

Changbin taps my back. "Stop thinking about it and just focus in this moment. Where's that cocky bastard who grilled my ass for accidentally drinking his protein shake?"

"Right here, piggy."

Changbin glares at me in which I laughed at.

Chan grins at the two of us. "You know, we've never seen you act so soft before that even I feel single as hell by watching the two of you."

"You are though?" I smirk as I high-five Changbin again. Chan's shoulders slump defeatedly and sips from his drink in spite.

"Dude, you're smitten and you don't even know." Changbin laughs. "Stop sulking and go get your girl before someone else does."

"Then get the hell out of here so I can make a move."

"See? That's the Minho we know- wait, what?" Chan stares at me in disbelief. "Are you serious?"

"You think?"

"Damn!" Changbin chuckles. '"Is this the time where you'll say 'if not now then when'?"

"Nah, it's more like 'now or never'," Chan corrects. "Oh, here she comes! I'll introduce you to Felix," he says and drags Changbin away.

"Get it, dude!" Changbin mouths before they vanished in my presence.

I shake my head at my sorry excuse of friends. I'd never admit it but I'm glad they're here for me. Minus the fact that they always 'accidentally' drink my protein shake because they're huge gym rats, they're not that bad.

"What's with your friends?" Y/n asks as she occupies the empty seat beside me.

"What's with your friends?" I retort.

"They're busy talking to Jeongin in the phone." She smiles brightly. "Oh, and they liked the keychain I made! They keep saying that I like Jisung the least because he has nothing but that's not true, I just haven't finished his."

"So you do like him?" I look at her and anticipate for her answer.

"Who wouldn't?" she says.

"Right." I smile bitterly.

What was I thinking? Wanting to be a part of her life is bullshit anyway.

"I promised to make him a bracelet because I couldn't give him the one he's asking for."

"Tsk. Did I ask?"

She pouts. "I gave it to you."

My mouth gapes a little as I look at her face. I clear my throat and look at the bracelet on my wrist. "Jokes on him, it suits me better."

"That's rude!" She giggles.

I couldn't help smiling as I hear her soft laughter, and that's when I realised what Chan and Changbin were saying.

"Hey, I'm gonna use my dare now."

She thought for a bit before remembering what we talked about at Bokjoo's Chicken. "Really? Alright then!" she says excitedly.

"Go out with me... Let's go to my favourite place."

I want her in my life after all.

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