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My heart breaks as I hear my score-our score.

"Moon Y/n? Your group got 80%."

I look at my group mates and they don't look affected at all. What would I expect? They didn't even do the bare minimum.

The bell rang signaling that it's lunchtime. I put my laptop inside my bag and went out of the classroom.

I climbed the stairs and once I reached the last step, I opened the door. The wind greeted me as I step on the rooftop.

This is where I spend most of my time alone. I don't have close friends to be with, just some acquaintances from my class. I have a neighbour who's also my classmate and he's the closest to a friend I have, but he has other friends too so he mostly hangs out with them.

I settled down and took out my lunch and began eating. I always bring my own so I don't have to go to the cafeteria since it's so crowded there.

I didn't get to finish my food because I keep remembering my grade at the History reporting and it just really breaks my heart. Normally I won't be this affected since I'm not that grade-conscious, but I put effort in it and stayed up all night to make sure I get everything right.

I started tearing up a bit. This is how I am when I get frustrated, I cry over the simplest things. I'm such a crybaby and I hate it.

I put away my things and went to the ledge, I don't know what to do so I began shouting because that is what people do when they're upset right? That's what I saw in the dramas I watch.

"I hate you all! I hope you fail your other subjects too! You didn't even help me but you still got an 80! You should be thanking me right now! So ungrateful! F...fu-aish!"

That's another thing I hate about myself, I just can't curse intentionally. I don't know why, but I always feel guilty when I do so.

I sigh and sit down while leaning my back on the wall.

I got startled when a voice suddenly speaks.

"Fvck you."

I saw a guy leaning on the wall with his eyes closed from the other side of the rooftop. My eyes widen when I saw who it was.

Lee Minho. THE Lee Minho.

"W-what?" I stutter.

"That's how you curse people," he says.

Is he actually talking to me?

"W-What are you doing here? Why are you here?" I ask.

He sighs and opens his eyes. My eyes grew larger when he met mine.

"Am I not allowed to be here?" He smirks which confused me. It's the first time that I'm seeing him with a different facial expression since he always has that straight face on.

"N-No," I told him nervously.

"Relax, I don't bite." He chuckles which surprised me even more.

"I've been taking naps here and I'd appreciate it if you stay the way you were." He's back with a straight face again.

How come I didn't notice?!

"The way I was?"

"Staying silent and minding your own business." He stood up and went towards the door. He opens it but then he stops.

"I don't go around beating innocent people like what you've been hearing so stop looking so scared," he says before finally going out.


There are rumors saying Minho and his friends were part of a gang and they're dangerous. He and his friends all have that cold aura radiating off of them so students are afraid and stay away as much as possible. Even his mere presence makes me nervous.

But earlier... he's not as stoic as what I've been hearing. He showed emotions and even spoke longer than a sentence!

Maybe... he's not so bad at all.

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