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"Minho..." I groan as I lie on my back, panting and sweating profusely.

"Come on, Y/n." He catches his breath as well, but he still has his sly grin on. "Just one more round and we're done."

"I can't even stand properly now, my whole body's sore."

He gently lifts me up and checks all the reddish marks that he did to my body. It's more like my fault, but I'm just a beginner compared to him.

He didn't even make me stretch and adjust, he just went all in!

"You suck." He laughs.

"You keep teaching me moves for professionals!"

"They're so basic!"

"I thought my bones dislocated with your basic steps."

He shakes his head and guides me to sit on the comfortable pillow fort before taking a piece of pain relief patch from the whole packet Chan so discreetly put with the snacks we bought earlier. He slaps it on my ankle that I managed to twist.

I just found out that Minho dances, but I didn't expect him to be that good. He's so smooth with his movements and my bamboo-like body can't relate.

We started with a slow dance and he taught me the basics of it, where he held my waist and guided me to move with his body. We were so close that I don't know how I managed to breathe properly, but then he starts spinning me around like crazy for his amusement! He apologised by teaching me the choreography to Dance the Night Away by Twice. He thought it'd be easy, but I immediately collapsed. We switched to Just Right by Got7, but I twisted my ankle. He just laughed at my face before finally showing me an easier dance choreo that he called Get Cool.

I don't know why I'm so beaten. Maybe I should start exercising.

I gulp the drinks in a second while Minho scrolls through his phone.

I can still feel the warmth of his hands that I got too familiar with. He held me so many times today, but I'm not complaining!

I suppress a smile and try to focus on Minho as he plays another song.

"Maybe if you showed me first then I might get it." I pout.

"As you wish." He taps my chin and guides me to look at him as he moves back. "Watch me, hm?"

Minho's body immediately reacts when the beat drops. The movements he makes are sharp and sensual as it flows with the saxophone tune. His hips roll perfectly with the instrumental and I can feel the room getting hot.

That's weird because the air conditioner is on.

His gaze is intense and I catch a small smirk on his face when he sees me staring. He bites his lip as he feels himself drown into the moment of voluptuous melodies, then he drops down and smoothly thrusts on the floor.

I had to look away because my face is burning and I feel weirdly hot.

I think he looks... sexy?

Gosh. I need to go to church tomorrow for my unholy thoughts.

He flops on the pillow fort across from me and downs a whole bottle of water, taking a few deep breaths to stabilise his breathing.

"How was it?" he asks.

"I don't think I can do that..." I clear my throat to steady my weird thoughts. "Why don't you show other people your talent? I'll be your number one fan! You're such a great dancer but if you didn't show me, I wouldn't have believed it."

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