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"Good morning, starshine!"

"Good morning to you too?"

I eye him confusedly as he opens the little milk carton for me. He even gives me his beloved cheesestick and sausage. When I entered the classroom, I just found him waiting for me at my desk with all the snacks.

"It's too early for pranks, Lix."

"I'm not pranking you~ Just accept it because it's from the bottom of my heart. Oh, there's your seatmate!" He suddenly winks at me as Minho approaches his seat. Felix scoots a little closer and ruffles my hair before scurrying away. "Eat well, Y/n~"

I just laugh at him before sipping on the milk, but I almost choked when I turn around to find Minho staring.

"Is there... something wrong?" I ask him quietly.

"Your hair looks like a bird's nest," he says and rolls his eyes. After that, he didn't look at me again.

I fix my tousled hair with a slight pout. This is Felix's fault!

After hours of subjects, the morning class is finally done. My classmates already went out, but I'm still at my seat contemplating on what to do.

I miss him... but I said I won't go after him anymore. Maybe it's okay to swallow my words just this once? What if he just ignores me? I would be really sad...

I sigh as I look at Minho's sleeping figure beside me. He slowly got up from his desk and rubs his eyes while looking around. I couldn't help but stare... He looks like a cat.

"I told you, just take a picture." He yawns a little.

"H-Huh? Uh..." I stammer as I gather my things. "I was just leaving."

Before I could take a step out, Minho softly rests his hand on top of my chair, blocking my exit.

"About last time... You okay?"

I tilt my head and then remembered the stuff that happened in Science class, so I nod. "I'm okay... Thanks."

"Oh... Good then."

"Yeah..." I fiddle with my fingers to not seem awkward.

We're talking!

Y/n..." he starts and I had to stop myself from anticipating more.


Minho looks at me with soft eyes. He gulps before opening his mouth to speak.


"There you are!"

I got startled when Felix appears at the door.

"I was looking everywhere for you so we could have lunch together!" He beams before slightly tugging on my bag. "Oh, Minho-hyung."

Minho's face turns impassive as he keeps looking at Felix's hand that's pulling on my bag. He looks back at me but his eyes are not so soft this time.

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