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It's currently lunch time. Usually, I'll be at the rooftop eating my lunch with Minho. Today is different though. I'm at my locker rummaging through my things as I try to find my lunch.

"Where did I put it?"

I sigh in defeat and close my locker. What would we eat now?

I went to the rooftop with a heavy heart. When I open the door, I saw Minho sitting on the floor whilst leaning against the wall with his eyes closed. I know he's not sleeping though so I take my seat beside him.

"I'm sorry," I tell him.

"What for?" Minho asks as he opens his eyes to look at me.

"I forgot where I put the lunch I made this morning," I say, sounding very disappointed.

"You can just go to the cafeteria?" he says, more like ask.

"You know how it is there." I sigh deeply.

Minho suddenly stands up.

"Where are you going?" I stand up as well.

He suddenly flicks my forehead.

"Ow. What's that for?"

"Stop asking the obvious." Minho pulls me out of the rooftop and down the stairs.

"But it's not obvious?"

"Cafeteria," he says plainly.

"What?! The queue-"

"It's better than sitting around with an empty tummy, am I right?" he quotes me and I couldn't help but smile.

We arrived outside the cafeteria and as always, the entrance doesn't look like the entrance. I'm glad we managed to squeeze ourselves in.

"I told you!" I whisper-shouted at Minho.

He just rolls his eyes at me. "I got this."

I didn't expect the next thing that he did. I've seen others use their 'senior privilege' but I never in my life resort to it because it makes me nervous and I think it's unfair.

Minho walks pass everyone like he owns the place, bumping on some shoulders occasionally and not saying sorry. He walks like it's no big deal but for me, it's the biggest deal ever.

"Hey, that's unfair!" a boy shouts.

"Can't you just wait in line?!" another one yells out.

I'm not used to being yelled at and it freaked me out, making me squeeze Minho's hand tightly. He looks at me, then to our hands, frowning as he turns to the juniors with a cold glare.

"Shit, that's Lee Minho!" Their eyes widen in horror and immediately bow down. "We're sorry! P-Please take our spot, we're not hungry anyway!"

"Tsk." He throws them a sideways scowl before looking at me. "You good?"

I nod at Minho then he gently pulls me towards the cashier. He ordered some foods and gives his card to pay for us. After that, he pulls me outside and we took the stairs back to the rooftop.

"That was scary."

"What was?" Minho asks me as we walk through the stairs.

"You know, cutting in line and bullying the juniors."

"They deserve it. They were the ones who keep messing up the line, that's why it's so long. I'm just returning the favour... and they shouted at you."

"I didn't notice... I'm fine though, I just get really nervous around strangers."

"Yeah, I know. You even avoided me for a week." He smirks.

I pout. "To be fair, you did look like a bad boy. I saw that side at the cafeteria today."

"Bad boy?" Minho cringes.

"It's true though, and it's not so bad! You looked like a cool boss earlier." I giggle at his reaction and nudge his shoulder with mine. "If I become a bad girl, would we be friends by then?"

"You're hopeless." He shakes his head in defeat, chuckling a little. "Be a good girl first and then we'll see."

I open the door once we reached the last step.

"G'day mate! We're back- oh, who is she?"

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