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I wake up because I can't breathe. It turns out a certain cat decides to rest his butt on my face and suffocates me, but then there's also the bigger cat whose arm is basically hugging me and the plushie barrier is nowhere found. I blush as I remember what happened last night.

I tap Minho's cheeks to wake him up. "Good morning."

He groans as he sits up and rubs the sleep off his face, stretching his arms. "Morning..." He looks at me and for some reason his ears redden.

"Can I mess with your kitchen today?"

He chuckles and takes Dori. "Sure. I don't really use it so I can't help you with anything. I'll just feed him."

I smile and make my way to the kitchen, leaving Minho to clean up the improvised bed and to feed our cat.

I cooked eggs and bacon since it's the easiest to do. I also made two bowls of oatmeal with some strawberries and bananas that I found in the fridge. I was amazed at how many milk he has in store. Is he planning to sell some to his neighbouring units?

Minho appears and he's already wearing his uniform. He still looks sleepy as he throws his bag on the counter, but his eyes seem to come to life as he spots me. He approaches from behind, hugging me close with his chin on my shoulder. His hands fiddle with the hem of his shirt I'm wearing that reaches past my mid-thighs.

"You should wear my clothes more often."

"Yeah, they're so comfortable."

I turn around, almost yelping when he taps my butt in the process.


He just chuckles. "Up. Time to eat."

I pout and encircle my arms around Minho's neck, then he carries me to the dining room. He sits me down beside him only to pull my seat as close as possible.

"Why do you have so many supply of milk?" I ask him.

"I accidentally ordered a lot," he replies and starts eating.

"Good thing I'm here, or they'd go to waste." I stick my tongue out as I open two for the both of us.

He stares at me before suddenly grinning, taking a strawberry in a fork and guiding it to me. "Open."



I'm still confused as to why he's suddenly feeding me, but I still oblige. Before I could fully take it in my mouth, Minho suddenly grabs my chin and bites the other end of the fruit. Our lips almost touched.

"Tastes great."

"Wha-" I feel my face heating up. "M-Minho? I-I... What?!"

He starts laughing like a maniac as he watch me stutter at his actions. It's so early in the morning, but I've already been a victim of his teasing so much!

"Where are you going?" He pulls my seat back when I try to move away, still looking very amused.

"Stop teasing me!" I frown up at him.

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