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Dearest Stay,

You might be confused because I have two Clichéd books published. If you want to read the new version, go to my works and choose the title NOT in caps. This book is for the old version.

This one, CLICHÉD, is the old version/old plot standalone written in I Am Who to Go Live era (as you'll see in many references I made in the book heh). It's already finished, but I unpublished it to edit some characters and scenes. I've decided to repost it because some Stays were asking to and it made me miss reading it as well.

I wrote this when I was so young so the characters are definitely not mature, a bit inconsistent in their portrayal, a lot cringe, and very clichéd. Even so, I still love them. This old version contains my growth with SKZ as I quite literally grew up with them, turning from a school paper journalist into a pre-debut Stay who writes fanfics to turn her dream of having a rooftop romance into a somewhat-reality (even when my high school didn't have one </3). I don't know if that's a downgrade but let's pretend it's not.

I hope you'll still like it even with its faults, flaws, and imperfections, and read with me through it's corniness, giddiness, and innocent firsts.

The new version of Clichéd has a more realistic plot and it comes with more mature, sensible, but still very clichéd characters. It will have sequels, Naïve and Ingénue, that will follow them into their college and adult life. I'm sorry that it's taking so long and thank you for waiting.

Your comments and votes motivate me and I appreciate them so much. Don't hesitate to leave suggestions, I am open to any ideas so we can all enjoy the story better.

CLICHÉD (all caps, obviously hohoho)
-old version
-old plot

-new version
-better(?) plot

I hope you STAY and have fun reading! ♡

Your full-time Stay,

Your full-time Stay,Kazu

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