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Minho is sleeping soundly beside me. Good thing that Mr. Ho is not coming for Maths today so we have an hour of free time. He didn't leave any activities that's why we can do whatever we want inside the classroom.

I'm sleepy as well so I got startled when someone calls me.

"Y/n?" Renjun knocks on my desk.

I rub my eyes before paying attention to him. "Yes?"

He takes some papers from his desk-drawer and hands it to me. "Those are some copies of my Maths notes. I think they'd help you for the next quiz because it's easier to understand."

"Thanks a lot, Renjun." I smile at him. "Why do you keep giving me these? You've been saving my Maths grade for the past months with all the weekly lectures you lend me."

"Well, you always complain about it being hard and I thought I could help you a bit. I still feel bad because you were punished by lending me your book."

"It's fine! That was months ago, I'm surprised you still think of it. I do need these notes though so thanks again!"

"You're welcome." He scratches his nape with a little grin before returning to whatever he was previously doing.

When the bell rings signalling the start of the last subject for today, which is Philosophy by Ms. Meen, I nudge my seatmate because his face is still planted on his desk.

"Did you do something again?" I ask him.

He keeps on napping every free hour and he's influencing me. When he yawns, I'll also yawn and it makes me sleepy.

I know what, or who, he lost his sleep for and I don't feel good about it, but I can't really tell him to stop because it would be really selfish. I trust him and it's fair enough that I let her have a few hours of his attention weekly when I have Minho beside me literally.


"A cat always naps. You should've known that by now," he says as he rubs his eyes.

I giggle at his slightly swollen face because he looks adorable with puffy reddish cheeks.

There he goes again with his cat stuff. I'm pretty sure that in his past life he was a cat or when he grows old he'll be one of those single grannies living with 20 cats as their children.

"You should see the picture I took of Dori with a red bow and a beret. I even lost-" I abruptly stop before I end whatever relationship we have.

"Lost? Lose what?" He eyes me suspiciously.

"I even lost my sanity going around to find those stuff!" I laugh it off.

He just shake his head at me with a small grin before facing in front. That was close!

Ms. Meen walks in with a pleasant smile on her face as always. She calls our attention by raising a paper that looks like a grading sheet.

"I'm so satisfied with all the projects you turned in," she starts. "I'm glad that I can clearly see your efforts through every videos. You've all shown your group's interpretation on how human behaviour affected by love goes and I'm very proud."

"Do you think we did alright?" I ask Minho.

He gives me a reassuring smile. "We enjoyed doing it so it'll be more than alright."

"You're finally admitting that you enjoyed hanging out with me and Jisung." I beam at him.

"I saw how dedicated you were with the project. I think that's admirable," he says and looks away. "...and Jisung's not that bad, I guess."

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