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I walk hurriedly whilst scolding myself for losing track of time because I didn't have my phone with me. I enjoyed being a rebel too much that I forgot I have a curfew.

The sky is dark now. Minho and I went to the arcade after hanging out at Mochi Cafe and we played around until we got exhausted. I'm so happy because we also took so many pictures.

I discovered that we both suck at the claw machine. We played fifteen times and we didn't even get a single plushie. I think the machine is cheating because there's no way we're that bad! It's a great experience nonetheless. We also played those sports games in which I somehow end up missing the goal each time. Minho laughed so loud when the basketball hit my head!

It hurts but I'd definitely do it with him again.

There's only a few people roaming around the dimly lit street now. It's not really creepy but I'm getting goosebumps because those scenes from the horror movies keep registering in my mind. It's silent too, just the faint sound of my footsteps and the passing cars can be heard.

It's why I've been walking fast because I think someone is following me, or maybe it's just me being paranoid again.

When I turn to the corner, I suddenly feel chills as if someone's watching me. It's so weird. My heart drops when I hear another set of footsteps so I fasten my pace.

"Hey," a soft voice calls out.

Don't look back!

"You're Moon Y/n, right?"

I turn around before I could stop myself. For the love of God, why?!

A tall guy wearing a hoodie came in sight. He looks... normal. I can't see his face though because it's dark and he has his hood on. I can only see half of his face from his nose to mouth.

Not a ghost, I'm safe.

"Uh, why do you know my name?"

"Just a wild guess," he says. He has a really soft voice.

I gulp when he suddenly takes a step closer to where I am. I take a step back and I hear him chuckle. He stops in front of me and extends one of his hand forward, showing me something.

"I'm just kidding. This must be yours? I saw it at the bus stop."

He hands me a nameplate with my name on it. I immediately check my bag only to find the front pocket slightly opened. It must've slipped off.

"Thank you..." I awkwardly bow to him.

"Be careful." He smiles and walks away.

I shrug and continue walking. I can already see our house from a distance.

When I reached the gate, an angry-looking Jisung came in sight.


"Where were you, Y/n? Don't you know how worried I was?"

Jisung's eyebrows are meeting. His arms are crossed as he walks towards me.

"Were you waiting for me?" I ask guiltily.

He breathes heavily. "I've been calling and texting you nonstop but you weren't answering!"

"I'm s-sorry..." I look down.

"What's happening? This has never happened before! Are you... are you alright?"

"I'm fine..."

"How did you even sneak out? I-" He stops and sighs loudly. "Just answer your phone next time..."

"I didn't have my phone with me because my mum took it."

"Is there a problem, Y/n? You can tell me about it." Jisung holds my shoulders.

"Nothing! I'm just grounded for a week because I took Dori home. I was with Minho so you don't have to worry."

"Minho?" His gaze darkens and he lets go of me.

"Yes, we just-"

"Isn't he being a bad influence to you?"

"What are you saying?" My eyebrows meet at his words.

"Did you think I won't notice? You got grounded for him and now you know how to sneak out because of him!"

"It's not his fault! When will you stop judging him?" I feel my eyes dampen.

"Stop judging him?" He scoffs. "Can't you see what's happening here? All you can see is Minho here, Minho there! What about me?!" He bursts out.

I look at him wide-eyed.

"I thought we're friends but you never hang out with me anymore! It's always Minho so what about me? You've only been seatmates for months and we've been neighbours for longer! I was here first, Y/n..." His words falters. "Do you... like Minho?"


My lips quiver as I feel like I was caught red-handed. It's the first time that we're having an argument and it doesn't feel right.

"Jisung... I'm sorry..." Tears cascade down my cheeks as I look down in guilt.

He takes a deep breath and steps closer to me. He put his hands on my shoulders and pats them gently. "Hey, no. I'm sorry for shouting..."

"I'm sorry, I've been a bad friend. I promise I'll make time for you from now on." I sniffle.

"Shh, don't cry..." His voice cracks as he rubs my back soothingly. "I'm not asking for too much, I just feel like I'm losing you... I need your attention sometimes too, hmm?"

"Why?" I look up to him.

"Huh? Uhm..." He blinks rapidly and scratches his nape. "Uh, because we're friends!"

"Really?" I stare at him intently.

"Yes, and because we're like, uh, family!"


"F-Family, yeah. Speaking of, your brother's waiting inside. He's the one who told me you weren't home yet. Don't worry, he asked me not to tell your parents."

"Thank you..." I give him a small smile. "Well then, we better go inside now."


Jisung's POV

I watch Y/n as she enters the door and sigh when I can no longer see her.

I've never felt so worried in my entire life, and it's not for myself. I knew then that what I'm feeling is not just a small crush.

"Do you like Minho?"

She didn't answer it and I'm not sure if I'm prepared to hear whatever her reply is.

I like her and I'm only realising it now... I just hope I'm not too late.

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