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"You slept together?!" Chan and Changbin whip their heads at me at the same time.

"It's my first sleepover and it was so fun!" I beam.

They both release deep breaths and nod as if saying that they understand.

"I was kidding when I said get it. I thought he really did." Changbin snickers.

"Here I thought my plan worked." Chan laughs. "Oh well, it's Y/n we're talking to."

The three of us are at the rooftop while Minho went to buy lunch for us. I don't know why they're here, but they said they sneaked out of their classes because they're bored.

I secretly smile because Minho and I did that once too.

"He really slept with clothes on? Woah, he
must've like you a lot since he always sleeps at least half naked," Chan says in disbelief.

Changbin looks at me in awe and claps. "We've been friends for so long but he never let us in his flat, and then he goes and makes you his first ever guest. He really got the feels for you, huh?"

My cheeks heat up at their words and I clear my throat because they're making me talk more about my night with Minho. I didn't know they're the gossipy kind of boys.

"Guys..." I hesitantly call them. "Why don't you talk about yourselves? It's fine if you don't want to, I'm just curious on what you really do."

They look at each other before looking back at me.

"I think it's better if you see for yourself."

"You'll take me with you?" I ask nervously in which they both replied a 'yes'.

"Don't worry, we won't let anything happen to you or we might unleash Minho's wrath," Chan convinces me.

I slowly nod at them. "Okay."

"Come on then!" Chan stands up and dusts off his jeans.

"Right now?!" I ask. "Aren't we going to wait for Minho?"

"Where's the fun in that?"

"What happened to Minho-hyung's wrath?" Changbin quotes.

"It won't hurt to provoke him a little." Chan giggles. "It's been a while since I saw him angry."

Changbin and I look at each other and shake our heads. We follow Chan out of the door and my heart immediately starts beating fast.

"I forgot I still have afternoon classes."

"We can just use Changbin's connection. What is he here for anyway?" Chan says that earns a glare from the other boy.

"Don't worry, your neighbour will take care of it." Changbin types something in his phone. "There, done."

We enter Changbin's flawless black car with Chan driving.

"Put your seatbelt on, Y/n," Changbin says from the shotgun.

"It's fine, I'm at the back."

"I know." He grins. "It's just that we have this unspoken rule of keeping each other's significant other as safe and welcome as possible. Well, Minho and me, since Chan-hyung is set to be eternally single."

"Anyway!" Chan takes a deep breath and smiles with gritted teeth. "We just want to provoke him, not end up dead."

"We're not together yet, though," I murmur and Chan just raises a brow.

"Really? He hasn't asked you to be the good girl to his bad boy yet?" Changbin teases.

I shake my head no as my blush spreads to my whole face.

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