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I got my Maths book from my locker and went to class. One more subject after this and I'm done for today!

I really want to go home already because of some things from class. I quietly took a seat and put my book on my desk. I look at the person sleeping on his desk beside me who is my new seatmate.

"Settle down everyone, I have something to announce!" Mr. Gong, our class adviser says. "I know some of you already heard that you'll have a new classmate. He's from class D and since class A lacks one student, he's being transferred here."

My classmates starts whispering with each other.

"Let's get this over. Hey kid, come in now!" Mr. Gong calls the new student.

Our new classmate went inside and just like that, the whole room went silent.

"Lee Minho," he says with a straight face on.

I can hear some gasps coming from my classmates and I couldn't blame them. I'm surprised too. After avoiding the rooftop for the past few days, he's going to appear here in our class?

"Okay, take your seat at the back," Mr. Gong says.

Wait a minute! I sit at the back by the window with a vacant seat on my right. Does that mean...

I saw him approaching the seat beside me and that's when it sinked in.

He's my seatmate?!

I look at him with wide eyes and he scoffs.

"So the no-show girl is my classmate," he said without looking at me.

"Just take a picture, that lasts longer." I got startled when Minho suddenly speaks and opens his eyes. "Staring is rude, you know."

I instantly divert my eyes in front to avoid his.

"Sorry..." I say.

"Hmm, sure."

He lazily fix his sitting position just as our Maths teacher comes in.

"Bring out your books," Mr. Ho says. Everyone hates him because if you didn't bring your book in his subject, you'll either get a punishment or go to detention.

He sucks.

"I'll be going to your desks to check it," he says.

I look at my classmates and I saw someone in front of me sweating and slightly trembling. It's one of the top students in our class, Renjun. I look at his desk and saw why he's acting like that-he doesn't have a book.

"Hey, Renjun," I whisper to him.

He looks behind and smiles meekly. "Yes, Y/n?"

"Where's your book?"

"I..." he sighs. "I forgot it at home."


"I didn't quite understand our last topic so I reviewed it, but I forgot to bring it earlier this morning." He looks down sadly. "I don't know what to do..."

Poor Renjun, even I am nervous for him. He's always been a good student and he helps me with my Maths sometimes. He's the reason why I passed the latest quizzes because he lent me his reviewer. If not for that, I would have a failed grade on my report card now.

I sigh and did the most sensible decision at the moment.

I gave him my book.

"Are you sure? You'll get in trouble," he says with wide eyes.

"You need it more than I do." I smile at him and pat his shoulder.

"Thank you!" he says with a big smile on his face.

"Why did you do that?" Minho asks. I forgot that he's my seatmate for a moment.

"Uh... he needs it, it's not like I have a grade to maintain," I told him.

Mr. Ho went to our desk and asks for the books.

"Moon, Lee. Where are your books?"

"I-I don't have it sir," I told him.

"How about you?" He asks Minho.

Minho just shrugs.

Mr. Ho looks at us sternly.

"Minho, detention," he says. "And Y/n, you're cleaning my desk."

I dislike him very much.

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