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"Han!" I call Jisung when I spot him entering the school gate.

"Noona, good morning," he greets me.

"Are you okay? You look pale," I told him as we walk side by side to class.

"Haha, I'm fine. I just didn't get to eat breakfast." He smiles at me but I'm not convinced.

"That's not good. Do you want to stop by the cafeteria for a while?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Are you sure?"

He nods so I didn't push it until we reached our classroom.

I went to my seat and saw Minho sleeping on his desk, as always. I sit down and stare at him because the teacher is not around yet.

His eyebrows twitch because the sun rays hit his face and I couldn't help giggling at his expression. I cover my lips with my palm when he starts mumbling nonsense and use my other hand to block his eyes from the light.

I only decided to wake him up a few minutes before the teacher arrives so he could rest more because he looks so sleepy.

"Did you not sleep last night?" I ask him.

"Barely. The guys and I took care of... some things," he says. "The teacher's here." He diverts the topic and pats my shoulder as if asking me to not ask any further.

What could those things be?

The whole morning class passed by like a blur and now it's lunch time!

I was about to walk out of the room with Minho when I saw Jisung is still laying his head on his desk.

"Minho, can you wait here for a moment? I'm just going to check on Han."


With that, I went towards his desk and sit in front of him.


I hear him groan which made me worry.

"Jisung?" I lift his head to see him sweating furiously and flinch when I check his temperature. "You're burning!"

I immediately make him stand up and put his arm on my shoulder.

"Let's go to the infirmary, okay? Just hang in there."

"Hmm, Y/n..." he says weakly.

Oh god, what should I do? He's so heavy!

I almost reached the door with Jisung when he tripped, taking me with him.


Minho suddenly appears in front of me when he heard my shout.

"What's wrong?" he asks.

"Can you help me carry Han to the clinic? He's sick!"


He immediately took Jisung from me and carried him on his back. We run to the clinic and luckily, we managed to get there in time before the school nurse go out for her lunch.

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