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I didn't know silence can be so loud.

We're sitting beside each other like normal seatmates, but no one's talking. I gave him what he wanted but everything's far from being peaceful because it's so awkward and it's only been a day. I wonder how I'll survive this setup for the rest of the school year.

I steal a glance from my peripheral view and see him yawning. I slap my mouth when I accidentally yawned too, catching his attention. I blush when our eyes met and we hurriedly look away. Minho clears his throat while I avert my eyes in front.

This is awkward.

A few minutes passed and our English teacher arrived. I sighed and braced myself for another day of Cold War.

"Good day, class. You may submit your works now," Mr. Li says.

I was about to stand up when Minho suddenly takes my paper. He didn't look at me and just straight up walk in front to pass our essays. I mutter a small thanks when he got back and he nods a little in response.

Dear Lord, how long will we be like this?

"Can anyone in this class tell me the meaning of the poem entitled Enchanted?" Mr. Li asks.

"Sir, it's sugar, spice, and everything nice in one," Felix answers which earned a laugh from the class.

"Well, that's not wrong," the teacher chuckles. "We can all have different interpretations when it comes to poems as they are written to tell stories we can decipher in our own understanding, but what I'm looking for is the gist on why it's called Enchanted."

"Sir." Seungmin raises his hand first before speaking. "It's about the feeling of euphoria which only lasted for a short moment but will stay in the heart and mind for so much longer."

"That's a good point, too!" He smiles. "I see that you've all been studying and I'm very proud. Now, let's see if your interpretations are right and let me discuss Enchanted by T. Swift. The poem narrates..."

I was paying attention because the author is really great. It's a story about a girl who's tired of the usual stuff she's going through, but that all changed when she met a boy. She's wonderstruck and all that she could think of was the feeling of it when she was with him.

Wait a second... Why does it feel familiar?

"...there's a line that says 'these are the words I held back as I was leaving too soon, I was enchanted to meet you'..."

The class 'aww' in unison at the sad twist of the poem and our teacher laughed at our reactions.

"Yes, she wasn't able to say it to him. Can you imagine the chance that was lost? So if you have something to say but you're too shy to tell, just do it. You don't know what life has in store for you."

"Ahem, just say it, ahem!" Felix seconded.

"Okay, listen up." Mr. Li clasps his hands together. "For today's activity, I'm instructing you to think of someone and write whatever you want to say to that person on a sheet of paper. No limits and go all out if you want, take it off your chest. Go!"

I was just staring at the paper on my desk as my hand hovers over it. I knew who I was going to write to, but I didn't know what to say.

Here goes nothing.

I positioned my pen to write when my arm suddenly bumped with Minho's.

"I didn't mean to-"

"I know, it's fine," he says and uses his right hand instead.

I was in awe for a moment because I didn't know he was ambidextrous, but it turned into a pout when I realised that I still know nothing about him. Here I was wanting to be friends with a person I know nothing about and getting rejected in a harsh way.

I sigh and start writing.

Dear Minho,

I'm sorry I was too pushy, I just really wanted to be your friend. Don't worry, I won't bother you anymore. I hope you know that I don't think you're a bad guy, I just got scared because of the rumours. You looked really cool putting those thugs in their places, by the way. Thanks again.

Sincerely, Y/n

I just doodled cats and flowers on the paper while waiting for further instructions, he won't read it anyway.

"Are you done? If so, exchange papers with your seatmate and just pretend they're the person you wrote to."

My eyes widen as I look at the teacher in shock. I can hear some of my classmates complain too.

"Come on, you'll get a perfect score or do you want to write a poem and read it in front instead?"

I bite my lower lip as I feel my whole face heats up. This is embarrassing.

"Fvcking scammer," Minho whispers as he snatches the paper from my grasp.

"I-I'm not ready yet!"

"Me neither but did I complain?" He raises his brow.

I was about to duck on my desk in shame when he halfheartedly put his paper on top of it. I look at him but he immediately looks away to read mine and so I did the same thing.

To that scaredy-cat crybaby,

Maybe I was harsh but at least I got my point across. It's not my fault that she cried because she had it coming. Ignoring me then asking to be friends? What a clown......... But I guess I was too harsh and judgmental? Fvcking hypocrite... How do people apologise and why the hell am I writing this piece of shit anyway?

From LMH


I couldn't hide the surprise on my face when I finished reading his thoughts. I turn to Minho and he rolls his eyes upon seeing my reaction.

"Apology accepted."

"I never apologised?"

"I just want to forgive you."

"You shouldn't have read that." He sighs.

"Does this mean we're friends now?" I ask expectantly.

"Nice try." He smirks.

I pout at my failed attempt once again. "At least I tried."

It's like the gloom surrounding us was lifted off and it became sunny again. Although we're still not friends, I feel like the widened gap between us returned to normal. The silence isn't awkward anymore and I finally feel like I have a seatmate instead of a cold statue beside me.

Minho clears his throat as he combs through his tousled hair. "You can go back to the rooftop if you want, I won't mind."



That is all it takes to bring a smile to my face.

Minho is worth it.

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