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Jisung exclaims upon entering the cafe. Sometimes I get secondhand embarrassment from him but that's the way he is so I just learned to accept it, especially his undying love for cheesecakes.

"Two blueberry cheesecakes, iced americano, and vanilla milkshake for Jisung and Y/n!"

We got up and went to the counter to get our orders. Jisung is beaming when we sat down to eat.

"I missed hanging out with you." He grins.

"Me too..." I return his smile. "Hey, you've got something right here." I point to my right cheek.

"Huh? Here?" He wipes his left cheek instead.

I giggle at his failed attempt and wipe it myself. "Right here, Han."

He grins and takes my hand to remove the dirt that got transferred. My cheeks heat up when he blows on it so closely that his lips almost touched my skin.

"Oh- uh, it's gone now," I say and withdraw my hand from his.

"Thank you, noona." He smiles and continues eating.

After the Sunday mass, we went to a cafe because Jisung feels like tasting cheese. I also want to make up for neglecting my first friend so I took the opportunity to hangout.

"The deadline for the project is tomorrow," he says.

"Yeah, I'm pretty excited on how it'd turn out!" I beam. "You guys are so secretive, you wouldn't even let me see the editing process."

He scratches his nape sheepishly. "You already contributed so much, you don't have to worry about that."

Our group was supposed to finalise everything today but Minho is busy again so it's just the two of us right now. I'm starting to get really curious about what he does and what keeps him losing sleep.

"Where should we go after this?" I ask Jisung.

"How about to those shops near Mochi Cafe?"

My face brightens at his suggestion and I immediately agree. We finished our foods first and rested for a while before going.

"How is Dori?" Jisung asks whilst looking at random stuff.

"He's doing great but I think he's looking for Jeongin. They became besties in the short time they were together." I giggle at the thought of my two babies.

"When is he gonna visit again?"

"I don't know but I hope it's soon." I pout. I miss my baby cousin because it's not the same without his morning dose of nursery rhymes blasting on the television.

We're about to exit from the shop when I saw that pair of black and white thread bracelets.

"Just a minute."

I take it off the shelf and smile brightly because I can finally buy it.

"That's pretty, Noona! I'll buy it for you."

"No, it's alright. I still have money and I really saved up for this."

"You must've liked it a lot."

"Of course." I smile.

The bracelets are very simple but I like them so much. Black and white. It reminds me of the good girl and bad boy joke Minho and I tease each other with. I think it's very fitting, and the thought of us matching makes me oddly happy.

I shake my head at my weird thoughts as my tummy starts acting funny again. I hate to admit but I really like this feeling.

After paying for the things we got, Jisung and I walked out of the shop and into the busy street full of cute stores.

"Can I have the other one?" Jisung asks me with a big smile.

"Um- I... I'm sorry." I look at him apologetically. "I'll actually give it to someone..."

"Oh..." His facial expression turned blank for a split second. "That's... fine. Maybe you can just make me one?" He jokes.

"Of course, I will. I'm not sure if it'll look pretty though."

"I'm sure it'll be pretty just like the maker." He smiles softly.

"R-Really? I'll try my best then..."

"And I'll look forward to it-" Just then, his phone signals a notification from his mum. He reads it and scratches his nape. "Uh, can you go alone? We ran out of eggs so I still need to run to the grocery for a bit."

"Go on, don't worry about me," I assure him.

"Okay, take care!" Jisung jogs off.

I continue walking around the busy street to buy the materials I need because I decided to make my other friends their bracelets too. As I was making my way to another shop, I heard someone shout.

"Better watch out!"

Everything happened like a blur and I just found myself being tackled to the other side of the way by Chan. My heartbeat is so fast like it's going to burst out of my chest and I flinch so hard when I hear a loud shattering noise.

"Shit... Y/n?" Chan shakes me. "Hey, it's fine now."

"W-What happened?"

"You almost got hit by a pot."

I look at the enormous remains scattered on the ground. How is that just a pot?

"You're trembling." He helps me stand up. "Do you want to go to the hospital?"

"No... I-I want to go h-home."

I tried to compose my heavy breathing due to shock. I can't even think of what could've happened if Chan was not there. I'd probably have a crack on my head by now... I grimace at the thought.

"I'll take you to the bus stop but breathe first," Chan instructs and hands me a bottled water. I drink everything in one go and just inhaled and exhaled until my heartbeat is normal again.

"I'm alright now..."

"That's good. Be careful next time, hmm?"

I frown as I hear those words again. Why is everyone telling me to be careful? I don't know why, but it bothers me a lot.

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