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It was the last subject for the morning classes and I've never been more excited for lunch to come!

My seatmate went ahead of me and I suddenly feel shy to go after him as I gather my stuff. I stare at the door for a while and finally made my decision. He said it's fine to go there so what am I being so skeptic for?

I heave a determined breath and turn to Jisung who just finished fixing his things.

"Han, thank you for letting me sit with you for the past few days but I think I won't be eating at the cafeteria now."

"Oh, it's fixed already?"

I nod and he purses his lips. "Well, you're welcome to join us anytime." He gives me a small smile.

I return his smile and skip out of the classroom.

I climb the stairs to the rooftop with glee as I didn't know what to expect. I hope he won't reject me again.

When I entered though I saw the biggest betrayal in my life, aside from receiving gifts on Valentine's only to find out that it's from my brother because he doesn't want me to look like a total loser.

Lee Minho is drinking banana milk.


I go in front of him with a hand on my hip and look at him accusingly.

"What?" He raises his eyebrow.

"You told me you were lactose intolerant!"

"There's this thing called lying."

I pout as I take a seat in front of him. "Why are you drinking that now? Do you like that flavour better?"

"There were students at the hall selling this. I didn't want it but they gave me one for free and run away."

"Oh, they're from Food and Beverages. I chose that elective subject too and whenever we make drinks, the student who earns the highest will have plus points. I'm too shy to sell it though so I just always drink mine or give it to Jisung."

"Did I ask?"

I giggle instead of being offended. I take out my lunch and start eating, but then I notice Minho looking at my food.

"Aren't you going to eat lunch?" I ask and he raises his drink as an answer. "I said eat not drink."

"Would you stop asking if I chew it?"

I chuckle at his sarcasm. I don't know why he seems so funny today.

"Why don't you go and buy foods at the cafeteria?"

"Why don't you eat at the cafeteria?"

"Uh... because it's so crowded and the queue is so long, it'd take half of my vacant hour just to buy foods."

"That, and the food here sucks."

I look at him in disbelief. "That's foul!"

"Did I lie?" The side of his lips rose a little.

"So that's all you're going to have for lunch?" He nods but I shake my head and take out a sandwich.

"It's fine," he says.

"Just take it. I made this one so it might not taste great, but that's better than sitting around with an empty tummy."

He scoffs but takes it anyway. "I thought you wanted to be my friend, not my mum."

I purse my lips. "You keep rejecting me."

He sighs. "Alright then, I won't."

My eyes widen. "Really?"

"Yeah, you can be my mum." He smirks.


I look at him defeatedly and continue eating my lunch sullenly.

"I told you friends are disappointing," he says.

"I don't know... I never had people who I can really call as friends, only acquaintances."

Minho looks up as if he's thinking, then he turns to me. "That sucks but I'm pretty sure this drink sucks more so, uh, stop sulking?"

I smile at his weird way of consoling someone. I don't know what's up with this particular day but I find everything he says very amusing.

"Thank you."

"Huh?" He looks at me confusedly as he eats his sandwich.

"I just want to thank you."

I want to thank him for not pushing me away this time and for actually acknowledging my presence and responding. I don't want to jinx it so I won't tell him, but I think I'm starting to enjoy his company.

He shakes his head. "You're weird."

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