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I couldn't sleep.

I've turned and twisted to every possible position but I just can't seem to sleep peacefully as I anticipate for the morning to come. He told me we'll go after school but I'm just so excited that I woke up even before my alarm rings.

There's no dress code and he just told me to wear basic and comfortable clothes, even pyjamas, but I suddenly can't find anything in my closet that's worth wearing. I hurriedly walk downstairs and grab a sandwich on the countertop on my way out since I wasn't able to eat breakfast because of my indecisiveness.

"Noona, did you leave me already?"

"No, I'm still here!"

I run outside to see Jisung leaning by the gates as he wait for me to get ready.

"It took you about..." Jisung looks at his phone for reference, "...15 minutes to wear your uniform."

"I'm sorry?" I offer him the sandwich.

"It's fine, take your time." He chuckles and fixes my necktie that I wasn't able to put on properly.

"Thank you..."

He smiles and we start walking to the bus stop. We reached the school after a few minutes and luckily we weren't late.

I was almost skipping on our way to the classroom with Jisung giggling at my actions. He starts copying me and we're like crackheads on the hallway that our schoolmates even gave way because of our weirdness.

I was really happy as I sit down my desk and wait for the classes to start, not until the first bell rings and my seatmate didn't show up. I thought he was just late but lunch came and he's still nowhere.

I pout sadly as I stay on my seat and stare at the one beside me. I wonder if he changed his mind. Maybe he's just really busy because he's doing stuff with Chan and Changbin. He wouldn't leave me hanging, right?

I was pulled out of my soliloquy when someone taps my shoulder to get my attention. I look up to see Jisung looking at me with pursed lips.

"Are you okay?"

I smile so he wouldn't worry. "Um, yes. I was just wondering what I'll have for lunch."

He looks at the unoccupied desk beside me. "Do you want to eat lunch with me?"

"Is it alright?"

"Of course!" He smiles. "Let's go before the cafeteria packs up."

"By the way, where's Felix and Seungmin?"

"Felix is cramming at the library because he's not done with the Maths homework that's due today. He pulled Seungmin with him for moral support."

I giggle. "Same old Felix."

We walk to the cafeteria and join the queue. I suddenly remembered the last time I went here and unconsciously smile.

"Oh? Aren't you- you can take our spot, noona!"

"It's fine- woah!"

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