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Minho groans under me.

"Stop fidgeting, will you?" he says.

"I'm sorry," I whisper back.

The car suddenly speeds up and I almost got thrown out of the seat.

"Ah- Shit... Stop moving!" Minho holds my waist tighter.

My face is so hot and my heartbeat is so loud. I've never been so close to anyone before and it makes me nervous!

"Am I heavy?" I ask him.

"No," he replies.

"Then why do you keep complaining?" I try to face him but he just holds my waist firmly.

"Yeah, why is little Minho so sensitive?" Chan asks tauntingly.

"Just stop moving and don't ask." Minho breaths deeply as his thighs seem to tense more.

"You should've just let me sit on Chan's lap." I purse my lips.

"No fvcking way."

I hear snickers coming from the front and I see Chan and Changbin looking at us amusedly through the rearview mirror.

"Y/n straddling me... Wouldn't you like to see that?" Chan smirks.

"W-What?" I blushed hard, fiddling with my fingers awkwardly as I couldn't help but be flustered with his statement.

Minho guides my chin to his direction and frowns upon seeing my reaction, turning to Chan with a glare so cold.

"Say that again and I swear to every saint that I'll be the one straddling you with a knife on your neck," Minho says and Chan immediately stops giggling like a kid.

"Sorry, Y/n..." Chan gulps.

"Serves you right." Changbin snickers.

I shake my head and smile at them through the rearview mirror. I know they mean no harm, it's just that the equipment must be really important.

After a couple of minutes, the car stops at the place I told them.

"We're here!" Chan says.

When the car was parked, Minho immediately unbuckles the seatbelt and nearly throws me out. Isn't he the one who made me sit on his lap? I really don't get him sometimes but it's fine, he's Minho.

Chan rolls down the window and faces us. "This is where we part ways."

"You're not coming with us?"

"As much as we want to, something suddenly came up and we have to handle it now," Chan says and smiles at me.

"Bye, Y/n. I really wanted to help though." Changbin gives me a sincere smile.

"We'll go now, good luck with the project and Minho!" They wave at me and the car departs soon after.

I giggle as I watch them get farther but when I look at Minho, he looks stressed.

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